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A week later, all of the League had been captured or killed, all but Dabi, and that week, Keigo went to a meeting with Endeavor that was held at the Hero Commission building, he didn't know what it was about, but he knew that he couldn't miss it or he'd be a pile of ash next time he saw Endeavor, so he went there at the assigned time, and went up to Enji's office room

Keigo lightly knocked on Endeavor's door, hearing a low, 'come in' so he did so and went into the office, "Hey, Endeavor! What's up?" He asked, with that mischievous smile he always had, as he closed the door to the office.

Endeavor just glared in the direction of Keigo, the normal, "Sit down. I need to have a little talk with you." Endeavor said, he sounded annoyed about something, but then again, he always did, but Keigo did not like the words that came from Enji's mouth, not one bit.

Keigo looked at Enji, with a confused looking expression on his face for a while, trying to figure out what was going on, "Well? What are you doing just standing there? Sit down." Endeavor said, at which Keigo shook his head a bit to leave the trance he was in and sat down across from Endeavor.

"Alright. So what's this all about anyways?" Keigo asked, seriously and worriedly, "Well, as I'm sure you already know, most of the League of Villains has been detained within the past week." Enji started, "Yes, what about it?" Keigo asked, not prepared for the words he was about to hear, "We need you to kill the last one, going by the alias, Dabi. He is probably one of the most dangerous of the League, other than Shigaraki."

Keigo's eyes widened in terror at that sentence, 'Kill, Dabi?' He couldn't do that, "W-what? Why do we have to kill him? Can't I just detain him and put him in prison?" Keigo asked, sounding a bit scared, "Putting him in prison or even taking his quirk somehow wouldn't work, Hawks. He has to be eliminated." Enji said, "But-" Keigo started, "There are no buts, Keigo. We need the job done in two days top, meaning you'll have to do it tomorrow." Enji ordered, Keigo gulped, "Yes sir.." He said, looking down, "Good. Now leave." Enji said.

Keigo got up and left the room, he had to kill Dabi? How? He couldn't do that, and how was he gonna tell him that? And tomorrow? They weren't even gonna give him two days with him? He'd have to sleep on this, he needed a good night's sleep If he was gonna do this.

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