Who Are You

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The next day, I went to the base, and almost immediately, Tomura planned out an attack on some random Hero, they seemed pretty low ranked so the rest of the League, including myself, didn't worry too much about it, but we probably should have.

Once we got to the place we were gonna attack, Toga didn't follow orders right and decided to hop right into action, she just, simply stabbed the guy with one of her syringes and took basically all of his blood, making him pass out, Shigaraki got mad but after Toga took the hero's blood, he went over and disintegrated him.

It was easier than we thought to get inside the building, everything was unlocked, the League got a bunch of information from the computers and once we were about to leave, we saw Miruko and Best Jeanist blocking the way, they hadn't seen us yet, but they must've seen us earlier, Toga quickly transformed into that one hero and I just acted normal, then we went over and greeted the two pros, they asked a lot of questions about the League and if they were here because they thought they saw them, but we denied it while the League escaped.

After Toga and I were done being interrogated, we went back to the Hideout where the rest of the League were waiting for us, Toga changed back and started talking to Twice, I noticed that Dabi wasn't there, so I flew off to where I thought he might be, and I was right.

"Hey, Dabs." I said as I landed on top of the same roof as yesterday, "Oh, hey Keigo." He replied, looking back at me, "Thanks for your help back there, by the way." He added, "Your- wait, how do you know my name? I never told you that." I asked, my name wasn't very public either, not even most of the pros knew my name, "I have my ways." He responded, of course, he wasn't gonna actually tell me, "Okay, I guess?" I said as I sat down next to him.

Dabi began swirling his hand around as a blue flame danced around his arm, it was kinda cute, but also really familiar, "You know, your quirk seems really familiar..are you sure we've never met like before I joined the League? Like maybe in our childhood or something?" I asked, Did I know him and just forget about him or something? "I'm positive." He replied, putting the flame out and his hand down, "Alright then.." I said, watching as he put his hand down.

If we did know each other, that would explain why he knew my name and why his quirk seemed so familiar, but I guess I'll never know.

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