A night with Nathan

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I had changed out of my wet clothes, put on my makeup, and brushed my black hair. I was a tad nervous as I sneaked out to the parking lot. The pathway was lit by streetlamps and little moths flew circulating around the light. There was a chill in the air and the grass was covered by a light mist. I rubbed my arms trying to get warmth unsuccessfully. Stupid me. Why the hell am I wearing short sleeves with my black skirt in October...?? Well.. Can't change now. I breathed heavily as I walked down the steps to the parking lot. I saw Nathan's red truck parked in between a blue sedan and a black rolls-royce. Well someone is made of money. I could see from the car window a faint blue light. Nathan sat there laughing, watching a video on youtube. I tapped on the passenger window and he turned his head then smiled. He rolled down the window and said, "Well don't you look good." I grinned at him then said, "Are you going to let me in, Prescott? Or do you wanna stare at me all night long." He winked then said, "I can do both." The heat went to my cheeks as he unlocked the door and I hopped in. I looked in the back and saw a cover and a picnic basket. I looked at him curiously with a small squint. Nathan turned on the car and said, "I thought that we could possibly.. Relax. It's been stressful these past few days. No studying. No Victoria. No drama." He backed out his car and pulled onto the street and looked at me then said, "Just us." His blue eyes twinkled and he gave a faint smile. 

We drove for about a half hour as Nathan glanced at me occasionally as I talked about my day. Not giving too many details.  He listened intently just as he did the day before. Jeez. It's only been a day but it feels like a millennia. We drove past buildings, houses, and stores. We kept driving until there was nothing but dirt and trees. I looked at him with a brow raised and asked with a suspicious voice, "You're not planning on murdering me right Prescott?" He looked at me deviously and said, "And hide the body where no one could find you? Aha. Nah. Too much work." He said with a small laugh. The truck went up a road that was on an incline. I stared at the trees as they swayed with the wind then asked, "Seriously Nathan, where are you taking me?" He smiled and said, "Midsummer hill. It's nice. My friends and I occasionally go there to have a bonfire and a few drinks." I raised my brows in acknowledgement. A hill. I am totally wearing the wrong outfit for this. 

We made it to the hill and Nathan smiled then turned his head to me, "We're here." He parked the car and climbed out then came around to help me out. I turned my body and dangled my legs outside the truck. He grabbed my hips and pulled me closer then pick me up to set me down. He did it with ease. I hadn't realize how strong Nathan was. He held me for a moment with his face slightly flushed as he licked his lips. I stared for a moment as he smirked then let me go to grab the things from the truck. I looked at him as he juggled a blanket, lantern, and a basket. I rubbed my arms to evade the chill and asked, "You need help?"  He smiled and said, "Nope, I got it. You relax." I stood there awkwardly as he set out the blanket and put down the lantern. He gently put down the basket and sat down. He patted the spot next to him. I walked over and sat down as well. I shivered slightly as he looked at me then said, "You must be cold. Here." He took of his red jacket and put it over my shoulders. I looked at him with concern while I fidgeted with the bottom of the jacket then dropped my hand and asked, "But what about you? You're going to be cold too." Nathan waved my thought away and said, "No, I'm good. I'd rather you be comfortable." He reached for my hand and held it. His hands were warm.. The butterflies in my stomach were at a frenzy. He let go to turn toward the basket. He pulled out a bottle. I moved uncomfortably and said, "I don't think I wanna drink for a while." He looked at me with a smile and said, "It's cider. I am not trying to drink either." I looked at him with disbelief and he laughed quietly as he pulled out two plastic cups and handed me one. He popped the cork and poured me some. I smiled and took a sip. The bubbles from the cider tickled my nose and made it crinkle. He reached and pulled out a fruit platter. I giggled and said, "You really went all out didn't you, Nate?" He grinned and popped a grape in his mouth and said, "Only the best for you." I smirked and looked up to the sky then whispered, "What a view.." The stars twinkled in the night. The moon was bright and big. I heard Nathan say, "I agree." I glanced at him with a smile but when I looked at him he was staring at me then he continued to say, "Beautiful." I had to catch my breath as he turned with a satisfied grin. He has said flirtatious things before.. But like, in a joking way.. This was different. He laid back with his arms crossed above his head. I did the same as we stared at the sky.. He talked quietly as he said, "Why is this so complicated..?" I looked to the side at him and asked, "What do you mean?" He sighed and said, "You.. Me.. These constant dreams of turmoil, Victoria.. Kate.. My father.. Everything." His breathing became rapid as he clenched his fist. I turned my body to face him. I honestly didn't have an answer. I really didn't know why everything has to be so God damn complex. I reached my hand and traced his cheek. He closed his eyes as his breathing slowed down. All I could manage to say was, "I am sorry.." 

He opened his eyes as I dropped my hand and asked, "Why are you sorry?" I shrugged and said, "Things wouldn't be complicated between us if I hadn't punched Victoria. We wouldn't have to hide being friends." He turned to me and put his hand on my face then said, "She deserved it. She's very territorial and possessive. Even though we are just friends." My eyes went wide. He laughed softly as he moved closer as his fingertips brushed the nape of my neck. My body quivered as I bit my lip and whispered, "Nathan.." He looked at me as he traced my pelvic bone and quietly said, "Yes.." My mind was screaming kiss me.. But my nerves wouldn't let me speak. He smiled once more and pulled back. I fell backwards in frustration with myself and returned to laying on my back. You fucking wimp. He was inches from kissing you. SOBERLY willing to kiss you and you said nothing. 

I shut my eyes and sighed deeply while gripping the cover. 

I felt a body pressed against me. I opened my eyes to see Nathan. Laying on top of me. He had a half smirk as he moved in and.. Kissed me. I drank him in as he pushed himself closer to me. He gently gripped my neck and put his other hand behind my back as he pulled me upwards. He was now kneeling downwards as my legs wrapped around him and I was slightly elevated. I could feel him pressed against me and my legs slightly shook as my mouth opened and he took the invitation. He laid me back down while keeping my legs wrapped around him and I felt him thrust softly against me. His hand moved from my back to my stomach then up to my breast. My breathing began to increase as I felt him explore my body. He moved his lips to my neck and then began to kiss then suck my skin. I felt a surge of emotions. I felt my hips moving with his as he breathed deeply, tickling my neck. All too sudden he pushed himself backwards and said, "We should stop." My mouth was tingling from the kiss and my face was hot.. I was breathing hard when I asked, "Why??" He looked away and said, "I want you. Like really want you." I looked at him confused.. If he wants me then why stop? I stared at him blankly and said, "I want you too Nathan.. So why again are we stopping?" He smiled while looking down and said, "I don't want your first time here, okay?" I bit my lip trying to restrain myself from jumping him and tearing off his clothes. I breathed in and smiled.. He looked at me with interest and asked, "What?" 

My smile widened as I said, "Then take me back to your room, Prescott." His face was in shock as I slowly spoke those words as seductive as I could. His body trembled as his eyes were wide. I looked at him and tried my best to look at him the way he looked at me so many times.. I stared at him up and down with a crooked smirk then demanded, "Now." He hurriedly stood up and turned to "adjust" himself and I stood up. He grabbed the corners of the blanket and picked it up with everything still inside it and threw it into the bed of his truck. I laughed to myself as I walked to the side of the car. He unlocked the doors as we both hopped in. His breathing was hastened as he started the car. His face was flushed as he stared off at the road.

The drive was silent as we both mentally prepared ourselves for what we were about to do.  

Nathan Prescott x Reader Found In The Darkness.Where stories live. Discover now