The Afterparty

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It was dark and I saw flashes of light. I heard a familiar voice say, "Move her head slightly to the right." I felt feminine hands touch my face. I was scared but unable to move. Then I heard a voice say, "She's coming to. Give Kate another dose." I felt a sharp pinch on my neck as the darkness consumed me. Please. Let me go home. The room faded and all the sudden I was back in the rain.. I saw a figure over Nathan's body and a gun dropped.. the figure went up to me now holding a knife. I inched backwards as he said, "Now it's your turn..Unfortunately for you, I only had one bullet." He sliced at my leg making a deep gash. I screamed into the night.. but no one heard me.
I woke up in darkness with an arm around me and soft snoring. My head was pounding.. where the fuck am I? I was in a much softer bed then my own and to the right of me was a lit bookcase with pictures of still life. This room is familiar.. it was in my dream. I moved upward making my head pound worse. I gripped my head as the body next to me moved. I heard a voice in the darkness say with a small chuckle, "You're alive.." Nathan.. I thought to myself as I turned and said, "Barely, what did I do?" Nathan chuckled once more getting up and turning on the light. I flinched as the light blinded my eyes. He sat back down with me and said, "Well you drank alot and you mixed weed with your drinking. I think you over did it." I nodded slightly as my eyes adjusted. I looked around and whispered, "I've been here before." He looked at me curiously and said, "What?" I looked back at him a little startled and repeated what I said, "I've been here before. In my dreams.. I've been here." I felt a sharp pain on my left leg. I jerked as I gripped the sheet. Nathan looked at me concerned as a fresh small stain of blood seeped through the sheet. I looked back up at him as he moved the sheet to see a small slash on my leg. He looked at me shocked and said, "This didnt happen at my party.." I looked back at him as he got up to get a first aide kit from his dresser drawer as a quietly said, "I'm sure it didn't.. it happened in my dream. When I was looking for you near the lighthouse. " He turned his head back toward me and said, "Tell me everything."
My heart stopped as I looked over to my bag. I got up without answering Nathan and walked over..
I opened my bag to see my phone fully lit up. I looked at it and it had 10 unopened text messages.
Hey! Where are you? My friend had to go.
I had a sip of wine. I feel weird.
Wheeree r u?
This party is fun but I kind of want to go.
I dont feel good.
The room keeps spinning.
I'm gonna sit down a while. I'll see you soon.
My eyes watered.. I looked at Nathan and said, "Oh shit.. if my dreams are true then.." I got up with my phone in hand.. running out of Nathan's room. Nathan called out to me but I have to check on Kate. 5 a/m.. I called Kate but it went straight to voicemail. I kept trying as I ran out the boys dorm. I saw a couple of guys sleeping on the steps with drinks still in their hands. I hope I'm not too late. My phone rang.. Nathan's name came up. I swiped ignore. I ran past the courtyard. Past the totem straight to the girls dorm. All the while my calf was trickling blood. I ran up the stairs to see Kate passed out by her room. My knees buckled as I touched her shoulder, "Kate.." Her eyes flickered open and she said with a slight smile, "I was looking for you." I smiled back at her as I helped her up and into her room. She looked at me with a yawn and said thanks. I walked to her bed and I laid her down.
My phone rang again.. I stepped out of her room to see Nathan standing there with the first aid and his phone out. He looked at me and hung up then said, "What the fuck happened?" I walked to my door and opened my room and said, "Let's go inside and we can talk."

Nathan Prescott x Reader Found In The Darkness.Where stories live. Discover now