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I returned to Blackwell and walked to the girls dorm. I can't believe that Max can rewind time.. But why am I not affected?? As I walked past the courtyard I saw numerous people on there phones, whispering about Kate. I shook my head in aggravation. Like, come on. It's so fucked up how they don't even care about how it might make Kate feel. This video spread like a virus. Basically each person I passed had their phone out, watching, and laughing. While I walked I heard the words, "Slut.." or "Wow, I can't believe Kate was so loose. Maybe I should talk to her and get a free ride." My blood was boiling. I felt my body shake in anger. No body deserves to be talked about like that. Especially not Kate. I continued through the courtyard. Trying to ignore the murmurs. My focus was the ground. Just stare at the ground. I can't possibly punch everyone at Blackwell. Can I?

I heard a familiar voice talking, "Is that Kate? Jeez.. I knew the party was good but I didn't realize.." Warren? My head jerked up as I saw Warren sitting with another guy staring at his phone. My eyes instinctively glared. Not you too Warren... I stomped over then said, "Warren! Dude, what the hell are you doing?" His eyes widened as is head shot up. Immediately he closed the video an his face was completely red as he stammered, "Nn-nnothing." I tilted my head with my eyes blazed as I tapped my foot. His friend laughed watching Warren completely embarrassed. My lips pursed with my fist clenched. I just can't. I felt my teeth start to grind as his body shifted to put his phone away. I turned and began to leave. I just can't. I heard Warren call out, "Wait! Y/n!" I ignored him as I continued, no, I rushed to the girls dorm. I thought Warren was a good guy??

I heard him follow me up the steps to the dorm. I opened the door as he called me once more and I slammed the door in his face. He should know better then to be watching that stupid video. I saw a girl with black hair and black glasses sitting on the bottom of the steps. I've seen Warren hang around her in the past. She was holding a tablet and her eyes shifted upwards with her eyebrows raised then said, "Trouble in paradise?" I gave her a death stare as I walked around her to continue back up the stairs. I opened the door to the hallway. I heard music coming from a girls dorm. I walked passed to see a girl dancing on her bed. She was the girl at the party. Her dirty blond hair was tucked in a ponytail that bounced as she did. She saw me and waved then hopped off her bed. She walked over to me.. I know this sounds stupid but I was immediately defensive. I never really interacted with the cheerleaders at my school. Most of them were stuck up and thought lowly of me. I hung around the misfits. At least that's what we called ourselves. She continued walking. She even bounced as she walked. I folded my arms as she stopped in front of me. She grinned and said, "Hey! You're from the party last night!" I nodded my head slightly while she said, "That party was fire!" I smirked and said, "Yeah it was.. good." She laughed and said, "It must of been better then good since you made-out with Nathan." My eyes shot daggers playfully as she giggled then she said, "My name is Dana. I just wanted to introduce myself. You seem pretty cool. Not like some of the other girls at Blackwell." She nodded toward the direction of Victoria's room. I laughed at felt a little more relieved. At least she wasn't another clone of Victoria then said, "Yeah, I'd never associate with those type of girls. My name is Y/N. Nice to meet you Dana. But sorry to be rude but I really need to go." She looked at me then said, "Okay! Well it was good talking to you. Hopefully we can talk again soon." She turned her body and began bobbing to the beat of the music and swept herself back into the flow of the tempo.

I turned and walked over to Kate's door then stopped. My legs felt stuck.. What if she hates me now? Like what if she's furious that I wasn't there for her. I tried to lift my arm to knock but it felt like there was a weight, weighing my arm down. I breathed in deep and raised my hand. My hand shook as I knocked lightly. The door creaked open. Kate's face peeked out. Her eyes were bloodshot from crying. Her lips were cracked and dry from dehydration. Her voice was hoarse when she said, "Good you came. Come in." I walked into the room. It was dim. The drapes were closed shut and the only light that came in was from her computer.On her desk was a mass amount of scattered tissues. The mirror to the right of me was covered by a blanket. She can't look at herself? Gosh.. She buckled down to the ground and hid her face in her hands then said, "You must be so disappointed in me.. I understand if you don't want to be my friend anymore. It's fine if you don't want to be seen with me." She looked out from in between her fingers. Kate had fresh tears in her eyes. She was still wearing the dress that she wore the night before. Her hair was knotted into a bun and her lipstick was smeared that accompanied streaks of eyeliner down her cheeks. I looked with sympathy and sat next to her. I wrapped an arm around her and said, "Of course I still want to be your friend, Kate. I was so worried that you were upset with me." Her hands dropped from her face and she gave me a quizzical look then said, "Why would I be upset?" I bit my lip and my other hands fingers tapped on my thigh as I whispered, "Because I wasn't there for you." She gave a small pout and said, "I heard what happened with you. I am not upset. Max told me that you passed out from partying a bit too hard. It's not your fault." I felt a weight lifted from my shoulders and gave her a small squeeze. She blinked and couple of tears fell as she continued, "I don't know what happened last night. I had one small sip of whine and then everything got hazy." An eyebrow raised as I chewed my cheek then said, "A small sip of whine wouldn't get anyone to that level of intoxication." She nodded her head and said, "I know.. Everyone seen the video of me.. I walked out to take a shower and all of the girls that were in the hallway were laughing and sneering." Her body shuddered with a small cry. She wiped her eyes on the palm of her eyes then stared off at her bunny. I gave her a small squeeze and said, "Fuck them. They are just being assholes." Kate's body was still tense under my arm and I whispered, "Guess what I did today?" She looked up at me then said softly, "What?" I gave a small giggle then said, "Punched Victoria in the face." Kate's eyes lit up slightly and she gave a small grin then asked, "You did what??" I nodded and said, "I punched her right in the face. She probably has a black eye by now." Kate laughed hard at this point. Her eyes crinkled as a couple more tears fell and said, "I wish I could of been there to see that. Why did you punch her?" My eyes wandered aimlessly as I said, "Because of the video. She was being Victoria. Trying to talk smack, so I smacked her.." Kate laughed softly then said, "Serves her right." I smiled at her slightly as I turned and said, "Yeah it does."

The rest of the visit with Kate was me holding Kate as she cried herself to sleep. Once she fell asleep, I gave her a small hug and helped her back to bed. I covered her gently and brushed her hair that fell out of her face. I walked out of the room and into mine waiting for when I will meet up with Nathan. I plopped on my bed and looked at my phone. It's 5 PM... Maybe I should just take a short nap. I yawned softly as I began to close my eyes..

Buzz Buzz

Ugh.. I moaned.. then turned to grab my phone.

Hey.. are you mad at me?

I moaned once more as I tried to gather my thoughts..

Kind of. That was a jerk move Warren.

Warren🧐 :
I'm sorry.. Everyone was watching it. I just wanted to see..

So if your friends jumped off a cliff, would you too?


Jesus, I sound like my mother

Exactly. Just.. Idk.. Please join the other assholes and spread the wildfire of that video. Kate is really upset.

I am sorry.. I didn't think. I didn't think of Kate. Forgive me?

I sighed...

Sure Warren. But I am gonna take a nap. TTYL.

I turned over and closed my eyes.

I was in front of the diner.. My body was sweating even though I was drenched from the rain. Max was next to me.. I felt my teeth chattered from the cold. Max and I held hands as I limped over to the diner. Before we could react the diner blew up before our very eyes. My scream pierced the night as Max yelled no and raised her hand. Time turned before us..

The dream changed and we were in her car. I had a miss call from Nathan.. A voicemail..

My phone rang awaking me from the dream. I was panting as I answered.


Jeez.. I know your excited but you don't need to pant over me..


Shut up Nathan. It was a bad dream.


Oh. Sorry.. Umm.. Well I am ready. We can talk about it if you want?


No, I am good. I'll meet you in a moment.

I stood up from my bed.. As I stood.. My clothes were dripping with water.. I smelt like fresh rain. Did I travel in my dream..?

I looked at my mirror and saw I was drenched.

What the fuck is going on with me??

Nathan Prescott x Reader Found In The Darkness.Where stories live. Discover now