Rant #5

256 27 19

- It's XxSeekingGuidanceXx :p

Things Asian parents say and do. Yes. If you have middle eastern parents too, then I think you can relate too! But for those who have parents nothing like me, kick back, relax. And prepared to hear one of the most amusing (not so much for me) things you have possibly heard in your life. 

An example of a conversation with my mother...:

Mum: Go to the postoffice (pronounces p as  'f' and just has your typical indian accent)

Me: Mum, it's a 'p'. Postoffice. Not fostoffice.


Me: Calm down! I was just helping you get your pronunciation right!

*Throws a sandal at my face*

Me: What was that for? 

Mum: Pass me my sandal back

*I go and get it so I don't get in trouble even more*

*I pass it to her*

*She throws it back at me again*

*I run upstairs to avoid getting hit by a rolling pin next*

Mum: If I see your face again today then WATCH! 

Yes. This is daily life for me. Just joking. I love you mum!

*Throws a cup at me*

Mum: Shut up!

Dad: what is going on?

Mum: You see your daughter here? She is pathetic!

Dad: Why?

Mum: She just is. 

*I drop my plate of food or something*

Dad: Well done you clumsy girl! Well done! *actually applauds you*


In the end. They are your parents. A massive blessing. So don't forget to say I love you to them everyday before it's too late <3

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