Rant #9 & #10

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It's XxSeekingGuidanceXx! I kind of have guessed that no one really goes on this :D But I've got some time and I thought I'd do a little rant today. 

My rant today is on British weather... Yes, the weather.

It's famously known that the weather in England is exceptionally crap. You wake up in the morning, with the sun blazing out and with the perfect breeze, so you decide to wear a summer dress and what not. You go out shopping and then 


It's going to start hailing, raining and who knows, snowing?!? Like, WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS LITTLE ISLAND? Can't it just stick to staying the weather all damn day and not wreck it?

I feel really sorry for the people who predict the weather because Britain is stupid. It's weather is bad and so are the policticians!

And that carries onto the next one!

POLICITCIANS. I hate them! In the house of commons, have you seen how they discuss such important issues?


This ain't the time for banter when ya'll talk about the country. 

Sh*tty elections coming up too and I couldn't be even more depressed. Britain is going down the crap hole and so is the rest of the world. It's about time we accepted this and that we'll all possibly die from WW3.

But God forbid...

So please excuse my language, but f*** capitalism and politics. They always think the other way round rather than thinking logically and make it even more complicated.

That's life and I'm ashamed of humanity.

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