"How did you even know, I didn't tell anybody."

Caroline waved off the question and narrowed her eyes suspiciously as Billie's eyes diverted to Alex for a quick moment. Billie smiled excitement bubbling through her. She told her everything that had happened between them and by the end of it Caroline was practically bursting with happiness, her smile so wide Billie thought it might break her face. They danced for a while longer talking and laughing. Caroline filled her in on how her and Matt had made up. She quickly mentioned about how he'd found about her vampirism and she had to compel him forget. Caroline planted an optimistic smile back on her face to cover up her feelings about the situation.

Billie excused herself after a little while, realising that she'd gotten a little too distracted and she needed to be on the lookout for Klaus.

Harper grabbed a drink from the table, completely parched already. She let her eyes quickly skim over the crowd for any threats or indicators to Klaus, bopping her head along to the music, approving of the sixties tunes.

Billie sipped her unfortunately nonalcoholic drink with a hint of surprise. If this was her old school the punch bowl would've been spiked within fifteen minutes. She supposed they did things differently here. A figure leaning on the table to her left pulled her from her amusing thoughts of the past.

She turned her head to find Alex with his hands in his suit pockets, looking incredibly attractive as he gazed out at the crowd with interest, his feet tapping to the music and an easy grin on his lips. He turned to face her, pushing off from the table behind him and coming to stand in front of Billie. Alex scooped the drink from her palm, unaffected by her feeble protests and took her hands in his. "Dance with me."

Billie smirked with interest at his confidence, turning her head up at the change of song. She smiled approvingly on recognition. I Think We're Alone Now by Tiffany, admittedly one of Billie's childhood favourites. When she was younger, her dad had put on a dance in their small apartment living room, before they'd moved to much more lavish conditions and he danced with her six year old self to this song while Cara watched with a smile from the couch before they dragged her over to join.

She brought that memory with her as she moved with Alex to the dance floor. She vividly remembered the dance that went with this song and when she spotted Damon leading his own little flash mob, all the cultured teens surrounding him knowing the moves, Billie dragged Alex over, determined to not miss it.

Billie threw her head back laughing happily when Alex stumbled through the moves. His demeanour light and playful. She bopped her thumbs back behind her right shoulder and reached her arms up to the leftward sky, to the right and down again. Billie turned around to Alex, intertwining their fingers as she led him through the dance, holding his eyes with hers the whole time.

At some point they'd broken away from the mob and were dancing to the side by themselves, Billie's arms over his shoulders while Alex's circled her waist. They were stuck in their own world, everything else had simply disappeared and Billie felt truly happy.

She had to refrain from physically groaning out loud when she felt a tap on her shoulder, being ripped from their shared bubble. Before she had the chance to complain to the person behind her, Billie spotted the worryingly distressed expression on Jeremy Gilbert's face.

Harper slowly detached herself from Alex giving him a light peck on the lips before leaving. Jeremy took her to the hallway outside the gym so they could talk without distraction.

Billie was understandably a little cautious about being alone with the Gilbert seeing as the last time that happened she ended up unconscious on the ground but Billie didn't sense the same energy around him this time. He was worried, hopeless, desperate even. She watched him pace in front of her before putting her hands on her hips, getting impatient. "What's wrong man, why are you so jumpy?" Jeremy raised his head to Billie and a switch seemed to click in his mind before he finally came out with it.

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