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Billie had been determined to end the young Gilbert when she'd woken up, but seeing him lying on the floor, pale and breathing raspily, gaping wounds in his neck and blood staining his hoodie, Billie couldn't seem to muster up that same anger.

Barely conscious, the Gilbert was hefted onto the shoulders of Billie and Bonnie and carried to the witch's car, where she promised to get him home safe.

Harper had the joyous job of calling Damon, who had hauled ass to Richmond to stop Elena doing something stupid. The phone call consisted of lots of swearing and she could even hear Elena in the background begging for information.

Billie figured Stefan would appreciate some company to distract him from the evil vampire slut he was forcibly entombed with until his brother got back and trekked over to him, dragging her feet in the forest mud.

By the time she'd returned, no more than ten minutes later, she could already hear arguing inside the tomb. Billie rolled her eyes and banged against the walls to signal her approach. "Ding dong, the babysitter approaches!"

Billie spread out her arms showcasing her arrival and Stefan looked relieved from inside, tearing himself away from the close proximity he was in with Katherine.

She slid to the floor, her back against the stone on the threshold, the barrier inches from her face. Billie smiled up at Stefan who sat just across from her, happy for the distraction.

"Well, doesn't this feel familiar." Stefan chuckled lightly at her words, remembering the night bittersweetly. "All we need now are drinks." Billie spoke the words longingly, beginning to consider walking around with a bottle everywhere she went.

Stefan shook his head humorously. "You're a budding alcoholic, you know that, Billie?" She laughed with humour, a pretty smile spreading over her cheeks. Billie wanted to keep his mind off the horrible situation as much as she could.

"God, what a weird day." She sighed tiredly, hands hanging over a bent knee while she looked at Stefan. "You know, just this morning, my cute ass downstairs neighbour asked me out." Stefan's eyes widened with happy surprise and he turned more to face her attentively. The both of them slowly forgot about Katherine, who was no doubt listening behind a corner.

Billie channelled her chatty inner Caroline, succeeding in distracting Stefan. "We met a few days ago in the building and we had a nice depression session on my rooftop." Billie smiled widely, just thinking about him. Thoughts of all the horrible things that were beginning to take over her life felt insignificant when she thought about him, it was narcotic.

Billie told him about their meetings and how he looked and spoke, the cute way his eyes crinkled when he smiled. It felt insane that she felt that way after so little time. The only things she steered clear of were Alex's personal secrets, the dreaded nicotine addiction and her possible daddy issues. Stefan was an easy guy to talk to. He had this look in his eyes like he was listening to what you were saying so intently that you just wanted to tell him everything.

Billie finished, grabbing a pebble and drawing incomprehensible shapes on the floor, glancing up at Stefan when he began to speak. He had a wistful look in his eyes and a smile like he knew exactly what she was talking about. "He sounds amazing, Billie." She smiled in agreement.

"Funnily enough, you sound just like I did after I'd met Elena." Billie smiled shyly. An upset look came over Stefan's face and Billie frowned, feeling sad for him. She reached out to grab his hand comfortingly, awkwardly realising it was unwise to cross the barrier.

"Hey, man, you and Elena. You guys are endgame. I know, I haven't been here very long, but even I can see you two belong together and apparently I'm a budding alcoholic." She did a deep voice, imitating Stefan's calm drawl, proud to see the smile overtake his face. "You and Elena... epic." Billie narrated an explosion with her hands, letting them once again fall tiredly to her lap.

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