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The next couple of days had been dangerously eventful. Rose had gotten bit on the full moon by Jules, the new werewolf in town, who was apparently going after Damon since he pissed wolfsbane into her cherry vodka. Rose died, and despite what he told everyone, Damon did feel bad about it, Tyler had painfully endured the horrors of the full moon, Jules had told him about all the other vampires in town and just last night, Elena's uncle who was actually her biological father, showed up at the doppelganger's front doorstep and dropped the news on her aunt Jenna.

All that information had been unceremoniously dumped on Billie during English by Caroline sitting beside her.

Mrs. Morris was writing up notes on Macbeth on the dingy chalkboard as Billie leaned over to reply, still trying to process all the information. "Wow. You guys have been busy."

Caroline smirked knowingly as she copied down the notes neatly. "No kidding." She whipped her head to Billie who was squinting her eyes at a note on the board, struggling to decipher her teacher's shocking handwriting. "What have you been up to? I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."

Billie blew out air from her mouth tiredly, thinking of her meeting with Elijah and her cancelled date with Alex that she'd been making up for during school. Unfortunately the two didn't have any classes together so they met up at the pit every day. Billie smiled slightly thinking about him but quickly wiped it off her face, realising Caroline was still waiting for an answer.

"Uh, nothing much really, I've just been... laying low. Away from all the drama." Billie responded vaguely, hoping she wasn't as bad a liar as she sounded in her head.

Morris turned around wiping her hands of chalk and collapsed onto her chair, mumbling about an assignment nobody would do and Caroline paused, eyeing Billie suspiciously. She leaned over to whisper, her curled blond hair hanging to the side.

"Bull. What happened?" She leaned back into her chair and cast a look at Billie telling her to spill.

Billie sighed, pondering if it was safe to tell Caroline the truth about what happened on the full moon. She wanted to be able to confide in somebody about her meeting with Elijah and how they planned to meet again on the weekend, but she knew Caroline wouldn't approve, hell, no one would.

"I-I had a date, alright. And before you ask, no, I'm not telling you who it was." She conceded, deciding the half truth was better than a blatant lie. Caroline was silent for a moment, no doubt running wildly through a mental list of all the guys Billie could have gone out with.

"It's nothing though, I had to cancel." Caroline's eyes widened dramatically and she threw her hands out in frustration, looking like she was refraining from having a full blown tantrum at her in the middle of English and instead angrily whispered over. "What! Why?"

Billie hated lying to her, she seemed like she could keep secrets well enough but Billie decided it was simply best to keep it to herself for now. "I just... wasn't feeling up to it, I guess."

Caroline nodded softly, pursing her lips like she had more to say. "Fair. But I expect details soon, you hear me Harper?" She demanded of her sternly and Billie couldn't help the amused smile reach her lips.

"Yes ma'm."

Caroline grinned with achievement and relaxed into her chair, eyes flitting to the clock, itching to get out of her seat. "Good."


Billie figured that if Tyler refused to talk to Caroline after finding out about the death of his uncle at the hands of vampires, he might not want to talk to her either, seeing as she knew all about the Mason and the Salvatores.

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