"I'm not here to fight with you, little rogue," he said gruffly. 

I turned and made my way over to the door just in case he decided to get handsy again. When I was where I wanted to be beside the wall, I leaned against it and asked, "Then why are you here?" with as much sass as I could muster. 

"I'm here to invite you to dinner." He pulled out a small envelope from his back pocket and reached out to hand it to me.

I snatched it from him and glanced down. It was light blue in color and had the official seal of the Bronze Pack stamped on the front. It was addressed to a Miss Leah.

I scoffed to myself.

"I'm glad you remembered my name," I retorted. 

Hearing him call me a rogue felt like he was belittling me. He was too powerful and cocky to call me by my name; no, he had to use my title against me- or should I say, my lack of one. And to top it all off, he adds the word little before it, emphasizing that I was young. Immature.

A rogue.


"I'll see you downstairs in an hour." Grumbling to himself he exited and walked down the hallway. I watched him round the corner before going back into my room.

I tossed the invitation on the dresser and jumped on my bed.

No way was I going down there. 

I sat up abruptly.

But if I didn't, he could easily command me to come, or as my mate could make my wolf surface and I know for a fact she would go down there willingly. 

What would be more embarrassing?

Freely having dinner with the alpha and his wife, or being forced to have dinner with the alpha and his wife?

Either way, I was going down there.

I groaned as I flopped back down. If I had just stuck to my original plan and run down to South America, this wouldn't have happened. But no, my wolf was thirsty and we had to stop for water near Alpha Kane's borders.

I partially blamed her for our kidnapping. Then again, I was the one who decided to run away in the first place. 

To be perfectly honest, I would rather be stuck here than be trapped married to that pervert of an alpha. The things he said to me, the way his eyes undressed me- I shivered at the thought.

I stood to shake away the unpleasantness that coursed through my body.

Did I want to go down looking like this? I asked myself in front of the mirror. I concluded that, even though I was having dinner with a respected and feared alpha, I didn't care what they thought of me.


I had one of the maids show me where the dining hall was. The entire way I was marveling at the expensive decore and fabulous interior. 

Sofie would have loved this place.

When I arrived, I was ten minutes late and they had already started eating. Katherine was smiling pleasantly and Kane was scowling at his food. He hadn't even picked up the fork. 

A maid announced my arrival, which startled Katherine, but like I knew he could, Kane could feel my presence before I even made it down the steps. The bitch wife looked over her shoulder at me and glared daggers. 

"What are you-" she began to say but Kane raised his hand to silence her.

"I invited her," He said, standing to greet me. I thanked him politely and took the seat he had picked out. His right side. The side of the Luna. 


I shivered as I felt his eyes on me. He felt it, too, and I absently wondered if that was really my body's reaction or if I was just feeling his through the bond? 

Just like how alphas have superior powers, they also have greater emotions. With the mate bond, to ensure the succession of the male's genes, alphas feel the urge to mate a lot stronger than regular males. They also tended to have a lot more children because of this.

I had to block out any thoughts of children before my wolf went into hyperdrive.

A waiter brought out my plate and set it in front of me. It was different than theirs, and I peered at it closely. "It won't bite," Kane rumbled beside me. 

It looked like a cross between a shepherd's pie and a quiche. Hesitantly, I brought a small fork full up to my mouth and bit into it. 

Expecting the worst, I cringed up my nose and waited for the unpleasant taste to hit me. Instead, I was welcomed with an actual delicious meal. It was really good. A mix of savory and salt, with a pinch of sweetness from the peppers, made it one of the best meals I'd had in a long time.

"This is really good," I said with my mouth full. I covered it with my hand and lightly laughed to myself for being silly. 

"I thought you'd like something more appealing," Kane said to me with a gesture of his hand.

My heart thudded against my ribcage the moment his lips stopped moving. My wolf howled, and soon Kane's eyes locked with mine and the world around us started to slow down. 

Our wolves were connecting. 

It was very rare that wolves connected this quickly, especially before marking. Usually, they would wait until the male would mark the female before fully merging. In some way, they were marking each other through the link. 

I don't know how they were doing it, but both Kane and I felt the tug within our souls. Our Almas.

I've never heard anything like this before. Two wolves, going against their humans, and mentally marking each other.

I wrenched my head away and pulled my lip between my teeth in an effort to hide my embarrassment.

Kathrine seemed oblivious to it all. If she had realized what just happened, she would have had my head on a silver platter. 

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