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Soobin POV
I picked up my phone and called the only other friend I had.

Taehyun POV
I was sat on my bed brushing my ears softly when suddenly my phone rang, scaring me slightly.

Incoming call from Binnie 🐰🍞

Accept        Decline

I answered the phone. I was greeted by Soobin's voice which sounded out of breath. "Taehyun...come and help me" he said with a worried tone in his voice.
"Sure Soobin, where are you?" I asked
"I'm at the corner near the shop"
"Alright I'll be right there" I said before hanging up

~10 minutes later~

Soobin POV

"Soobin I'm here!" A familiar voice shouted from behind me. "Hi Taehyun, can you help me carry Beomgyu back to my house?" I said
"Sure, what happened to him?" Taehyun questioned while looking at Beomgyu who was passed out. "I'm not sure but I need you to help me carry him" I said impatiently
"Alright alright I'll help you" Taehyun said rolling his eyes slightly at my impatient tone

Guys sorry if this chapter was too short 🤍😅

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