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Chapter Six – Good Girl

Warning: Coercion, rape.


You ignored Kai as he came into your shared bedroom. You could hear him making sound and your curiosity begged you to turn around and see what he was doing, but you didn't.

You didn't, you couldn't. You wouldn't give him the satisfaction of having your attention, instead, you kept yourself seated on the couch by the window with your eyes trained down on your book.

"Come here."

It wasn't a request, it was a demand. He always expected you to drop whatever you were doing when he came in. He expected you to gravitate around him. His image of love was to keep you cooped up in this room and when he wanted attention you had to give it to him.

Sure he said he kept you here because he loved you, but sometimes you had to doubt that. Sometimes it felt like you were a pet, not an equal, not even a human but a doll he could force to do what he wanted.

"Let me finish this chapter."

You had just flipped the page starting a new chapter. You were nowhere near finishing the current chapter, but of course, Kai didn't know that. You bit your lip as you rejoiced in the possibility of having twenty-five more Kai free minutes.

If Kai had access to your head he would be punishing you every five minutes, not that you could say you didn't deserve it. What kind of girlfriend was excited to have an excuse not to be with her boyfriend?

You heard Kai huff and out of the peripheral view of your vision, you saw him roll off of the bed and walk over to you. Swiftly, he snatched the book out of your hands, slammed it shut, and placed it on top of a shelf.

"What's more important? Me or a silly book."

You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. Even if you wanted to defy him and take the book back you wouldn't be able to due to the fact he placed it way too high. Your eyes fluttered open and you smiled up at him. You were positive your smile was not genuine, but you honestly didn't care enough to put the effort in.

"I'm sorry Kai, you're right."

You walked over to the closet and pulled out your pajamas. You unbuttoned your jeans and discarded them for your jogging pants. You took your shirt off and unclipped your bra. You could feel Kai's eyes on your back and you silently cursed yourself out for not changing earlier when he wasn't in the room. Acting unbothered by his watching, you quickly slipped on your shirt.

You slid into the bed and tried to keep some distance by staying at the edge of the bed but he pulled you closer to him. He pulled the sleeve of your shirt down and kissed your shoulder. It was short and sweet. His lips felt soft on your skin and the hand that rested on your arm was cold.

It made you think of the intimate side of him that acted like he really loved you. That side that briefly pushed away the sad feelings and pain you felt from his punishments. The side that pushed away the doubt.

"You're so pretty."

But you couldn't sleep with him. Not tonight. Not when you were so angry at him. Not when you were so hurt by him. Dealing with Kai was like kicking a puppy. He kicked you, and like a sad loyal puppy, you returned to your owner, hopeful and pleading.

You shrugged his hand off of you and tugged the blanket closer to your body.

"I'm tired."

"But you were perfectly fine staying up to finish your book?"

"I'm really tired, Kai."

Kai pressed his lips against your shoulder again and trailed his kisses up your neck. He trailed them to your ear and bite down on your lobe.

"I know you're angry at me."

"I never said I was mad."

"You are. You're angry that I didn't let you see Eri, but baby, I had to punish you. You somehow ripped your dress ties, that was a punishment and if you try to weasel out of punishment then you get a harsher punishment."

You shut your eyes and tried not to let the tears out. You were so angry at him, so livid but you didn't allow yourself to show it knowing it would result in another punishment from him.

Why did expressing your feelings have to result in punishment? When did expressing emotions mean you didn't love someone? But you had to deserve it. Kai said you deserved it.

"You promised me I could see her."

"If you were a good girl then maybe I'd let you see her."

Kai ran his hand over your side and cupped your heat over your jogging pants. You knew what he had been angling at since he called you over to the bed, but you just didn't want to.

"Won't you be a good girl for me?"

"Kai, I don't want to."

"Don't you love me?"

"I do... But I don't want to have sex tonight."

Kai slinked his hand underneath your jogging pants and rubbed in circular motions over your panties but you were in no way remotely aroused.

"If you loved me then you would want to please me. If you loved me then you would be a good girl for me."

Kai pulled your joggings pants and panties down to your knees. His eyes flickered from your heat to your face. Your eyes were full of tears, pleading him not to proceed.

"I don't want to do this."

"Good girls get to roam about. Good girls get to see their sisters."

You don't look him in the eyes when he pulls himself out of his boxers. You don't resist him when forces himself into your core. You don't resist, or plead for him to stop, instead, you numbly laid there and let him have his way.

He wants it. He needs it. He doesn't care that you said no. He doesn't care that you didn't want it. What he says goes, and you'll have to live with that.

Kai pulls out of you and yanks his boxers back up. He kisses your forehead before he makes his way to the shower to wash himself of any germs and sweat he contracted while he committed his sinful act.

"Was that so hard? It's not so bad being a good girl, is it."

His kiss to the forehead doesn't make up for the pain you felt in your privates. His words don't make up for the tears that cascaded down your cheeks. The excuses you make up in your mind didn't make up for the feelings of being violated.


Edited: 4-19-20

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