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Chapter Three  Facts And Lies


You slowly made your way into the basement of the Shie Hassaikai's base. The dark and dimly lit hallways made you pull your arms towards your body and hug yourself while you grimaced in disdain.

If there was one thing you hated most in the world it was the dark. The fear that something – anything – could reach out and grab you haunted and plagued your mind. You always had this fear since you were a little girl, but you couldn't let this fear restrict you now.

Lately, Kai had been acting strangely. Or maybe he had been acting strangely for a while now and you just didn't notice it through your rose-colored glasses. However, the metaphorical glasses were off. You started to notice the strange way Kai had been acting around the time you noticed the changes in Eri. 

All the signs pointed towards it, but the thought that Kai would hurt Eri in any way brought a taste of hurt and disgust to your mouth. You could only hope that Kai and Eri's behavior changes had no correlations or ties to each other. The only way you would know for sure was if you snooped around and found out for yourself. 

The light flickered and you could feel the fear inside you grow like a raging war. You made a mental note to tell your grandfather to have all the lights in the establishment replaced. Maybe you should even convince him to add a few new lights. 

You let out a quiet breath of relief as you reached a door that led to the very last floor; the deepest part of the building. You read the words engraved on the silver plate that laid bolted to the metal door. The pathology Lab. 

Fact – The Shie Hassaikai base used to be a hospital.

South Cure Hospital was bought out by your great, great, great grandfather who used it for illegal Yakuza dealings. Since then it was passed down from generation to generation until your grandfather, who had yet to pass it down again. Most of the building had been renovated and changed but the basement and certain rooms still resembled that of a hospital. 

Fact – Kai Chisaki forbade you from ever going into the basement. 

Upon your first arrival to the Shie Hassaikai after being abandoned by your mother, Kai was tasked with befriending you and Eri. Kai's golden rule was to never go into the basement. He told you you were to never go into the basement under the premise of it being 'dangerous, dark and dirty.' The really weird part about this whole ordeal was that your grandfather had never once told you to stay out of the basement, but he had no problem telling you to stay out of other areas of the premises.

For being 'dangerous, dark and dirty' it didn't look it. The front of the door was well lit by fresh light bulbs unlike the halls that led to the door, and it was pristinely clean. If the room were as unused as Kai said it was then there would be dust on the doorknob or there would be no lights at all. 

If Kai was lying or hiding anything from you then it would be in this room, and a distinct feeling in your gut told you that the answers to Kai and Eri's personality change remained inside this room. 

You hesitated before turning the doorknob. The answers behind the door would most likely hurt you, yet you had no choice but to find out the truth. You started to push the door open until you heard voices. You abruptly stopped pushing and put your hand over your nose and mouth to quiet your breathing in hopes they wouldn't hear you. 

You knew you should have bolted upstairs so whoever was inside wouldn't catch you snooping but your curiosity got the better of you. Instead of running you pushed yourself to the wall to help keep yourself from being seen while you peered into the room through the four-inch crack you had opened. 

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