"I'm glad I get to finally meet you too, Ms Todoroki," I replied, blushing at her words.

"We bought you these, mum," he said when we broke apart, gesturing the flowers in his hand. He went to take out the dying ones from the vase one her desk - one of the only decorative pieces in the room - but I stopped him.

"Wait Shoto," I said, slowly activating my quirk. My skin began to glow as I focused my energy on the roses. I could feel Shoto's mother staring at me, which made me feel slightly intimidated as I was desperate to impress her. Slowly the dying flowers began to regrow, gaining back colour and strength until they stood tall in the vase. "There," I said proudly. Shoto simply smiled at me, as though he knew I was going to use my quirk.

"That was beautiful (y/n), what a lovely quirk," Ms Todoroki said.

"Thank you, it also lets parts of my body turn into plants, the easiest to do is to turn my arms into vines which helps a lot at UA," I told her. "But I do like to save any plant I can," I added, gesturing the roses.

"Could you show me?" She asked sweetly, and I blushed, nodding. I could see Shoto out the corner of my eye smiling at the pair of us. I activated my quirk and my skin began to glow again. I fluttered my eyes closed and concentrated as I slowly turned my arms into healthy green vines, growing hibiscus flowers from them. I opened my eyes and saw Ms Todoroki staring at them wonderfully, before I slowly turned my arms back to normal, deactivating my quirk.

"That truly is beautiful," she said and my blush worsened.

"T-thank you, that means a lot," I said quietly.

"Have Fuyumi and Natsuo visited?" Shoto asked, pulling two seats away from the dining table for us both to sit down on. I slipped off my jacket and put it under the desk where Shoto had put his.

"Yes they have, both this morning. They bought me those chocolates," she said, gesturing the large box on her desk. She was smiling calmly, and seemed relaxed and gentle. It's hard to believe that she was a woman who had a mental breakdown and hurt her son causing her husband to keep her in hospital. "Would you both like one?"

"Oh, no I'm okay Ms Todoroki, thank you for the offer though," I said, bowing my head.

"Please, there's no need to be so formal. Call me Rei," she said, smiling. I looked her in her grey eyes that seemed to be sparkling, and I smiled, nodding. It seemed as though already we had known each other longer then just ten minutes. Together Shoto and I filled her in on events happening at UA, although in recent weeks after the licence exam there had not been too many interesting things happening. Still, she seemed really intrigued, apparently incredibly proud of her son and how he was growing. Suddenly he announced that he was going to get a drink from the cafe downstairs, and asked me if I wanted one.

"Oh, I'll have a juice please," I said, standing up.

"Alright, it's okay, I'll go on my own. Keep mum company," he said, kissing my cheek and walking out the room. I sat back down, facing his mother with a smile.

"Congratulations on getting your licence exam, Shoto told me that you were very impressive throughout the challenges," she said.

"He did?"

"Yes, he talks about you all the time whilst he's here, it's almost like I knew you before you came," she said with a sweet smile. "I'm so glad he's found you, you seem like a lovely girl. I hope your relationship turns out better then mine and my husbands," she sighed. I froze, not knowing what to say. "I'm sorry dear, don't think too much about it. Shoto is very in love with you, it's clear he's become happier now he's with you."

"W-wow, thank you... he talks about me whilst he's here? What kind of things does he say?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

"Oh all sorts... what you two did that day, what you spoke about, what happened in training... even small things like how you styled your hair and what clothes you were wearing," she said making my heart warm. "He's often come to me for advice on how to treat you."

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