Chapter Two: Dwight Fairfield

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"Ugh..." My slight groan slipped through my cracked lips as I looked about the dark forest that had no path or anything. The realisation of seeing no path or anything, quickly hit me as I looked about, starting to slightly panic. I started to bite my nails and began to think of possible things.

I could continue walking straight, but what if that means I'm walking deeper into the forest. But I'll still find an exit if I carried on walking. But it's how long will that take? I have no food or water.

I let my thoughts roam before I decided to just walk the way I was facing and just hope I was walking the right way to get out. Knowning my luck I probably am walking deeper into the forest. I feel so hopeless and weak.

After a few hours or maybe minutes, I saw a few crows here and there, making me nervous about what I'm walking into.

"Why are their so many crows about?" My thoughts came out a loud as I stared at about three crows on a branch, they all stayed still for a split second before making a horrible screech then flying off. I watched them fly off, I couldn't stop my thoughts from spinning in my head.
There's more...this forest is werid...

I couldn't think straight as I started to panic a bit more. I don't know what's going to happen or what's in this forest but I'd rather get the hell out of here faster. I hate this place. I hate how the forest changes the deeper you get. I hate to say it but... I'm kind of scared. Suddenly I hear this metallic sound. Almost like a raised hatchet.

"What was that?" I stopped in my place, trying not to freak out at the sudden sound. I didn't know what to do. I turned my head over my shoulder to see a woman with a raised hatchet just above her head. She was tall and muscular unlike me a small and weak man. The intimidating presences came a little closer before throwing her hatchet, the hatchet just missed my head. That's when I noticed the axe she had brought up her body her left hand place on upper part of the stick as her right held the lower end. Her head was slightly tilted, and that's when I heard a song... No, more like a... Lullaby. She began to make her way over to me.

"Ah!" The scream came out, making me turn my head back round to run. I didn't want to look back. I could feel her taller fingure closing the gap between us. All I wanted to do was hide and stay away. But I can't now she's already found me. I heard the same noise from earlier. Just from the bottom corner of my eye I saw a hatchet land on the floor,making me fall down, I heard her heavy steps. Forcing me to scurry back to my feet and scream once again.

"Ah!" My eyes slightly widened to the sight of a random farm in the middle of no where. But I know I wanted to fall to the floor and sigh with relief as I saw another person. I know he was taller than me. He was actually muscular and probably has a chance of beating this beast of a woman. I could feel my pace slowing down as I stared back at the man. I saw another random hatchet fly past me, making me slow down to much making it easier for her to grab the back of my shirt and throw me onto the floor. I quickly turned my head towards the other man as he had a little shocked expression before slightly frowning.

"Help!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as I closed my eyes getting ready for the overwhelming pain about to come to my body. But instead I heared something drop and the woman making an irritated noise or scream. I opened my eyes as the man began to help me on my feet. As soon as we were up, we probably were running for a bit intill we reached a little barn. Lucky for us the hay was still pilled up so we could sit down. My breath was still over the edges as he brought me into the barn.

Why can I write better through Dwights P. O. V??? Anyway, this took me too long to write and yes, I'm still writing the next chapter for Naruto X Sasuke! I'm just trying to figure out what the fuck happens next 😫but eh I'll figure it out.

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