Jay is opposite me, talking to our eldest brother while occasionally stealing nervous glances at me. Caleb is chatting to Lew from across the room as the baby cooks calmly - the only one. Everyone is trying to immerse themselves in something or other, I'm getting stuck inside my head. I feel kind of weird for some bizarre reason, something not being quite right.

"So, Lucy?" Oh, fuck off. Already? Seriously? "What, Mora?" My bitterness catches the entire room's attention, yet no one looks though they do point an ear into the exchange. "Why did you run off? I mean, I thought you were starting to get comfortable here?"

"It doesn't really matter. It doesn't involve you so there's no need to ask." Bridget tugs on her sleeve instantly, pressuring her to leave me alone. "Well, it kind of does. You ran off, got kidnapped and caused trouble for the pack. Poor Luke was scared. I haven't seen him that stressed out in a long time."

"Drop it, Mora." This bitch is going to wind up with worse than a black eye in a minute. "I'm just curious, no need to bite."

"No, Mora. You want to stir up drama and be a cow." I grunt. "Mora, leave her alone." Lulu's tone is forced. It seems my anger is starting to affect his own once again. "Oh, come on. We're all wondering why she would do it. I'm just the only one willing to ask."

"I love the ones that know not to pester me about my decision. But hey, maybe I left because I got fed up with bints like you who can't mind their own Goddamn business! Drop it." I'm on my feet somehow, fists clenching into my hands enough for them to hurt. "Lucy, I don't mean to push your buttons, I'm just curious." She flicks her hair over her shoulder like a cliche, smiling sweetly like she's some gem.

Everyone in the room groans at her stupidity, noticing that I'm twitching at her pestering questions. "Just enlighten us. It would really help to ease our concern and confusion." Grinning, I settle down on my chair. Those nearby lean away, too used to my rage to know that when I'm 'calm' in an infuriating situation is worse than shouting.

"You really want to know what happened?" She nods, leaning forward onto her palm, eyelashes batting. "I left to go check on a dear friend of mine, he meant something to me before this. Turns out, he is a sadistic satanist that enjoys stabbing me in the back - quite literally. We had a beautiful catch up when he kidnapped me and tortured me until I was hoping for death." I pause with a chuckle, resting on my elbows. "I suggest you stop bothering me before I share the sensation of the most creative yet effective technique he displayed to me. It involved this unique spot between the ribs where you can shove a flaming metal stick and it practically liquidises your organs, isn't that fun." I spit the last three words.

"Food!" Lewis slides a large bowl along the table, where it lands in front of me. Mora has gone quiet, completely ashen from the mental images. I can hear a few of the others sniffing along to the idea of what I went through just from the small glimpse I gave them. Lulu, Jay and Pleb haven't taken their eyes off of me.

Ignoring all of them, I dig my fork into the dish, only to play with the contents slightly. I'm overthinking what I just did. I'm not surprised that I'm a little touchy about the ordeal. However, I didn't want to divulge them in any of the details to save their emotions and thoughts. Now they know one of the medium activities we got up to.

"What's wrong?" Caleb whispers into my ear, unsure of the reason I could be picking at a meal rather than eating it. "Nothing. Just not pleased with the way she spoke to me or how I handled it." He nods, kissing the side of my head before turning back to Lewis who's perched to his left.

Inhaling deeply, I force myself back to the zenned state I was in before she opened her fat gob. Finally digging in, I moan as soon as the tomato goodness hits my tongue. The fork moves at a rapid pace as I swallow down the meal quick enough to finish in under a minute. Man, I was running on empty.

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