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Everyone seems to have no control whatsoever over their bodies. It's like they can only just breathe. His command for submission is keeping every living thing in its place, not removing the hypnosis. Despite the flashes of murderous intent and the continuous roar roughly emitting from his chest, I am thoroughly loving the trepidation I'm causing to intensify in his shaking eyes. The hatred filled echoes resonating around the woods doesn't have the power to deter me, I'm a bad bitch - most of the time.

I bet there isn't a single person whose knees aren't burning or stinging from kneeling for this long. I feel bad for them all, the majority appear to despise themselves for allowing this to happen to them while others are terrified over what he has become - the wolves originally with him which I can only distinguish because of the personal relationship between them and their commander.

Still whole heartedly determined to gain control over the rascal that is this bitch, he stares me in the face to release a full forced howl. Yet, no one is surprised anymore when I blink at his stupidity. I have a problem with authority, and Luke's lucky I occasionally listen to him, never mind paying attention to this selfish, greedy arse-wipe.

The facial expressions that accuse me of being clinically insane is yet another highlight of my life, being seen as a freak is what I live for. Just as I am about to smile from the humour in messing with him, his tactics change from the shift in posture and new flaming eyes.

At a surprisingly swift speed, his feet land one in front of the other. The two of us land on the floor from his rough tackle, he should consider playing football - he is a slight pansy. I grunt as my head bounces off of a rock. Everything darkness as a concussion spreads through my brain. A sharp rip in my shoulder pushes the morphing colours into the absence of colour - white.

A pained whimper vibrates in my throat, shocking us all. I don't have a chance to stop the sound. His proud laugh flutters against my ear, his nose pushed against my cheek to enjoy the depth of the wound he's desperately trying to inflict.

Needing to change position so that the crack in my skull can heal without being pushed further into the stone, my knee wedges itself in the space below his hips and between his legs. No one said I couldn't play dirty. He groans, rolling off of me to hold himself. I crawl on top of him. Using my other senses while my eyes refocus, we tumble around, a sort of loop forming. When one of us gains dominance, the other pushes us over.

We both earn plenty of scratches from claws, teeth and rocks. Chunks of skin can be seen flying all over the ground from our gouging and careless behaviour towards the other and ourselves. He's determined but I am out for blood, even if I get hurt along the way.

Eventually I manage to plant myself on his waist, hands pinned under his back, my claws pressing into his neck. I have the power in this fight. Some big headed simpleton with a knife and weak claws has no chance of winning. Especially considering the fact that he's threatening to slaughter innocent people who are defending their home. Sorry, but that shit isn't happening.

"Tell your men to stand down." Sitting up after leaning down to his earlobe, I squint into his eyes, leaving them quivering. The thoughts in his head are not difficult to read. In a sadistic kind of way, I am loving the debate between fighting further and risking his life, or following my instructions which will lead to probable embarrassment.

Driving my point deeper, I edge my claws just through his tissue paper skin. His splutters prove the path he's willing to take, "Let them go!" Not wanting to look away in case he decides to try something, I let my ears paint an exact image.

Jay and Lew waste no time to join our brother, panicking. Their lack of comment doesn't calm my own nerves, and their heartbeats haven't changed their pace. "Well?" Lewis sobs, which could mean anything. I wait some more, only gulping down air to deflate my shoulders when they both laugh happily.

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