"Looking for possible cases in the area." He said as he quickly looked up to kiss me before returning to his work. I left him to it and decided to play with the pups in the backyard, throwing the tennis balls around for them. Needless to say, they really enjoyed it. I was about to throw the ball again when Sydney appeared. "Oh, hey. I didn't realise you were stopping by." I said as I threw the ball then sat down on one of the deck chairs, she joined me, sitting on another one. Both pups continued playing with each other, playfighting like a couple of loons. "So what brings you by?" I asked, watching her features for any tell sign. She shrugged, very unlike her. "Did you want a drink, of anything?" She thought for a second then gave a small nod. "A tea would be lovely, thanks." So we migrated to the kitchen while I boiled the jug.

"My supervisors have been looking into the two of you. After you told me about the higher power pulling strings on your lives, I had people look into who they are." I was shocked to hear this, I didn't realise she was looking into it... "Oh, did you find anything out?" I asked, kind of hopeful. "Well yes and no. They didn't find 'them' exactly. But they did find one interested party, I'm not entirely sure of the connection to you though." She was awfully nervous as she spoke. "This one guy, a really powerful and wealthy Moroi, he's Turkish or something like that. His name is Ibrahim Mazur." I shrugged. "Never heard of him, what exactly have you heard of him in relation to us?" I finished making her tea, and my coffee, then we returned outside. It was a nice sunny day, may as well make the most of it. Before she could continue talking, Dimitri appeared, kissing the top of my head then sitting down.

"What's the go?" He asked, as he patted Alexei's head. "There's some Moroi guy, playing some interest in us." I spoke before Sydney could. "Well, no." She cut in. "He's interested in you, Rose. Just you." This put us both on edge. "Wait, what do you mean just me?" This is where she looked nervous again. "Those humans that snatched you outside the coffee shop. They weren't working with Strigoi, apparently they were working for him. Anything we hear about him, it's him looking for you. We don't know why, we haven't been able to find him to ask." Well, shit just got a little more real. "Why on earth did he have people try and snatch me?" I asked in outrage. "Look, I'm sorry I don't have anymore information to give you, I just thought you'd like to know. As soon as I know anything else, you'll be the first to know. Now, I'm sorry but I really must get going. I have other business to attend to. Thank you so much for the tea."

Shockingly she actually smiled when she stood up. "It's good to see you're both doing well." With that she slipped back into the house and let herself out the front door. I glanced at Dimitri, his face was all serious again. He was very unamused with what we were just told. "Maybe we shouldn't stay in one place." He said, voice stone cold. "He's tried to have you snatched once, what's to stop him doing it again. Obviously he doesn't have good intentions for you, considering how you were treated last time you were snatched. I thought back to what went down when I was taken, it was like a distant memory now. I shrugged as I stood up. "What's he gonna do? Keep trying to take me? He's never going to win, you and I both know that." I walked back inside, calling the pups in with me. Tonight we were going hunting, since we actually got a good night sleep.

We didn't do much for the rest of the day, mostly just relaxed around the house. Come nightfall, we got ready to go out. We had a couple of areas we wanted to check out, after some researching that Dimitri had done. The pups knew we were going out hunting, they were basically jumping out of their skins with excitement. I was excited too, honestly I'm kinda mad over this whole Mazur guy thing. I needed to do some anger control. One of the places wasn't far from us, so we decided to walk. We had to be careful about what details the strigoi can potentially learn about us. Seeing as our car isn't very inconspicuous, I'm sure it wouldn't be hard for them to track it down. It was a very crisp night, the cold air bit away at my cheeks. But that feeling won't
last long, we should work up a sweat soon.

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