Writer's Note:

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Dear Reader,

This Fanfiction uses the Characters and Worlds created by many talented writers and illustrators over a course of many years. They originate from Disney's W.i.t.c.h. Comics and were published in many countries mostly in form of Magazines.

The title - W.i.t.c.h. of course stands for the word "witch" but is silmoutaneously composed of the initials of the protagonists' names: Will, Irma, Taranee, Cornelia and Hay Lin

The stories follow the adventures of these 5 girls. They live in a fictional coastal city called "Heatherfield", visit the Sheffield Institute School and deal with stuff that teenage girls usually do homework, parents, siblings, crushes...

But they also have a second, secret identity. In the first saga of the series they are chosen to become the new Guardians of the Weil. Chosen by whom? The oracle and the other wise souls residing in Kandrakar, which is a Fortress located in the midle of Infinity. Kandrakar has many worlds under its protection, but on one of them evil begen festering. The world of Meridian was always ruled by a Queen and succession was passed along the female line, but after the lasrtroyal couple disappeared and Princess Elyon was still just a baby, her older brother Phobos seized the throne for himself. The oracle therefore erected a magical veil to protect the rest of the universe from Prince Phobos' wickedness.

The w.i.t.c.h. girls however do not stick to just protecting the veil, they venture to Meridian and end up overthrowing Prince Phobos and helping the long-lost rightful heir Elyon retake her throne. After these events the veil is taken down and the girls become the Guardians of Kandrakar, acting as Kandrakar's ambassadors, visiting the other worlds under its protection and facing many more foes.

If I were to detailaly recount all their past adventures this chapter would be very very long, therefore I shall only name the Saga's to perhaps stir the memory a little and to explain at which point of time my Story takes place.

List of Sagas:

1) The twelve portals

2) Nerissa

3) Ari of Arkhanta

4) Endarno

5) The Book of Elements

6) Ragorlang

I hope this Intro helped you all refresh your memory or those who don't know the Stories to get to know them a little... There was also a W.i.t.c.h. TV Series which lasted for two seasons, so you might have seen that. However the storyline differed from the Comics in some major ways. This Fanfiction is based on the Comics.

After the Ragorlang Saga there came a sudden change of drawing style and a saga called "New Powers" followed. Many old storylines were dropped, some recurring characters suddenly disappeared without much explanaton or none at all, the witch girls got new costumes, and appeared maturer, sexier, more powerful... The series continued for quite some time after this, but it just didn't have the depth of the old stories. I was troubled by this and so I formulated the idea of turning my frustration and yearning for the old characters to return into my very own Fanfiction!

My Fanfiction takes place after the Ragorlang Saga. The comics continued here with the New Powers Saga my story takes its own direction, so I guess we could call it an alternate timeline...

You'll also get to see some old friends like Elyon, Caleb, Orube as well as some well-known foes... There might also be a few original characters vowen in here and there. Ah quick reminder - the girls were aged between 13 and 14 when the comics began, but seeing how much happened, some years must have passed by the time we reach the end of the Ragorlang Saga. So I've tried to tried to somehow track it down how much time passed but also make it believable so they're not suddenly 21 or something in my fanfic. I've reached the mathematical and practical conclusion that they ought to be about 17/18 for the flow of time to have some effect and this is the age I picture them to be in my story.

If you have any questions, concerning the Storylines of the Sagas, because you didn't read the comics, or don't remember it; or what the difference between the TV series and the Comics, or if you just want to fangirl a bit about the characters - Comment or DM me! I love to chat to nice folks about mutual fandoms!

Oh and the cover of this chapter is a drawing done by me!

And now to the Story... Enjoy!

-Roni Drakaina

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