"Hello Demi I am Dr.Turner. How you felling?" She opened her mouth but nothing came out

"Water?" Turner said she only nodded making him come back with a water bottle "here you go" she grabbed it weakly and took a drink out of it

"Better?" She nodded, she looked at me furrowing her eyebrows. Why isn't she saying anything?

"Okay so I'm going to ask you a couple of questions if you don't mind. What's your name?"

"Demi" she simply said making me shiver hearing her voice for the first time in weeks. It was raspy and groggy it sounded so...sexy.

"When were you born?"

"August 20,1992" she said smiling at me

"Okay well do you know your parents names"

"Dianna and Eddie" Closer and closer.

She looked at me "Who are you?" My heart dropped at that moment and I felt a lump form in my throat "um..."

"Demi you don't remember her?" turner said making Demi frown "No but I want to" He sighed, motioning towards me to follow him outside the room

"Okay so we've been monitoring her since she got here and there was no head trauma in the crash so she can't lose her memory that easily. What we were thinking is that it might be the effect of amnesia. Which is good only a couple of hours until it wears of, them when she's off of it she won't remember what happened during that time so if it was me I suggest I make my move" he smiled nudging me, I nodded and went back inside the room, immediately Demis eyes landed on me, I sat on the chair next to her

"I'm Naya" I smiled

"Hi Naya you're beautiful" She said making me blush

"So are you" Now it was her turn to blush

"Do you have a boyfriend...or girlfriend" she mumbled

"No I do not have a a boyfriend or girlfriend" she looked down

"What about you?" She shook her head
"No one likes me" I grabbed her hand interlacing our fingers

"I like you" she blushed, she started giggling making me smile "you're cute" she started blushing even harder.

"T-thank you" she stuttered out, just then the nurse came in

"Miss Demi Lovato you're awake. We'll be monitoring you for the next 24 hours and if your recovering fast then you'll be good to go in a couple of days" the nurse looked at me smiling before exiting

"Does she like you?" I looked at Demi
"Maybe" she smiled sadly

(Next day)

I made my way through the halls nervously with some flowers in my hand. As I went inside the room there was no one in the bed, I started panicking, did they release her without telling me?

All of a sudden the restroom door opened and Demi came out in a wheelchair. She got up and laid on
the bed.

"Good strength" she turned her head towards me

"Naya w-what are you doing here?" I furrowed my eyebrows does she remember?

"I was here yesterday" I said, Dr. Turner came in making me jump out of my seat

"Naya you're here may I speak to you" I nodded following him outside the room. "Demi. she has her memory back, well I believe so, like I had said she could've had amnesia for a couple of hours and that was the case" I sighed in relief

"That's good" he nodded "It's very good she might be out in a couple of days, for now she's okay"

I went back in the room sitting next to her

"What are you doing here?" She said

"I've been here everyday can I not be here today?" She grinned "You've been here everyday?" I nodded, she grinned and started fidgeting with her fingers. How I've missed that grin.

"Well thank you for coming everyday it means a lot to me" she said undifferent

"You're welcome" I grabbed one of her hands from her lap and intertwined our fingers, it became a habit throughout the month just doing this,I saw her blush, I can't believe I'm falling for her so easy. It's just the simply things she does that make me crazy.

(Couple of days later)

I looked inside the room to see Demi already dressed

"Hi Nay" she smiled standing on one foot since the other was on a cast

"Hi Dems ready to go" she nodded, I made her sit on the wheelchair, once we were on the firs floor we were approaching the entrance which was cleared out by the police that work here. Her fans started screaming once they saw her I had to cover my ears, I pushed her away from them and we made our way inside the car.

"Wow they've been here for a month" I nodded. Her bodyguard started driving.

"I love my fans so much" I smiled and looked out the window, it was silent for the most part, once we arrived at her house I grabbed the wheelchair from the back and I told her to sit on it even tho she didn't want to

"But we're already at the house why do I need that" I shook my head and started pushing her

"So you won't get hurt" even when she was looking down I could see a small smile play out in her face.

Once we entered her house it looked new, fresh, and clean.

"You want something to eat?" She shook her head

"I don't need you to take care of me Naya, I can take care of my self" she tried getting up from the wheelchair but couldn't especially with her broken arm and leg.

"No you can't" I got in front of the wheelchair putting both of my hands on the handles

"I'll take care of you" I got closer to her, but all of a sudden she pushed the wheelchair back almost making me fall on the floor

"But I dont need help" she whined

"I don't care I'm still going to take care of you whether you like it or not" I might've said that a little too harshly. She gave me a serious look and turned around

"No! wait Demi" I got in front of her wheelchair

"I know we have a bad past and we hardly ever talked but i really want to make it up to you. Can we maybe start... all over again?"


What do you think is going to happen in the next couple of chapters?

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