One- Darryl ( And other problems)

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                                           Written by- Redfireburns
                                           Edited by- Redfireburns
                                     Enjoy the first chapter ! <3 - Red

                    (TW: Drugs, Alcohol, Blood and Gore,suicidal activities)


" I see a man sitting on the bench, A very cute man I say so myself- Beautiful blueish greenish eyes that sparkle in the sun. His hair blows in the sun and lays in front of his eyes, its like he's a prince."
Zak began to walk up next to him with his books in his hand as he just finished his first collage class for the day, He just thought he could take a break and walk through the courtyard of the collage.
As he comes closer to the bench where Darryl is sitting he begins to ask him if he could sit next to him. " May I sit next to you and maybe we can study together."
He sits down next to him and gazes into his eyes, He begins to ask him what classes he has next and he said 2nd period Biology. That rung a bell for Zak and began to ask Darryl " are we in the same class?"
Darryl begins " Yeah, I just sit at the back of the class and keep to myself." As the time hits 10:40 they run off to there together, Zak begins to think of a life that Darryl and Zak could have together, As he's thinking of Darryl there is a burning sensation in his heart.
He begins to think that somethings wrong with his heart, He begins to think to himself rather than think about Darryl, he's heart begins to cool down as if there's a there's a winter storm in his heart.
As they get to the class they touch hands but their hands fade away as they were about to touch, as they missed there hands Zak saw his hand reappear as his hand got further from him.
He went down to sit at the front of the class while Darryl sits at the back of the class. Their teacher says to them that they have a group project, He picks the group members for each group and puts Zak and Darryl together.
After class Zak goes and asks the teacher about he put them together, the teacher begins to say " you guys just have a special bond together, and I feel that you guys can get good marks if you're together so expect more of this."
After the the teacher dismisses him he finds himself right next to Darryl walking out of the auditorium, Darryl begins to ask him " why did you ask why he put us together in the same group?"
Zak begins to say " I like you Darryl, but it hurts me when I want to love you, It's like a burning in my heart and it clears when your not with me."
Darryl begins to say " I don't like you like that, we have only known each other for not even 2 hours and you think that I like from that span? That's just fucked up of you to think."
As Darryl walked away from Zak to his dorm, Zak saw one of his good friends Vincent, Zak began to walk up to him and started to talk to him.
Vincent showed his phone up to him and showed what sleepy had tweeted about him in the morning.
Vincent began to punch him in the face and into the ground yelling and screaming " YOU FUCKING WHORE, YOU INVOLUTED MY LOVE LIFE AND MY SEXUALITY."
Zak just takes the hits as if he could do anything because he knows his in the wrong, he knew that posting Vincent and Dave together in bed.
That night Zak was in his dorm thinking about Darryl and what he had said to him, He just didn't want him to get hurt.
On the schools website they post the student phone numbers for their convenience.
Zak begins to look for Darryl, He eventually finds the number and texts him, he said in the text
" I'm sorry, for what I did early today, it was wrong of me to do that, so I was just wondering if you want to come to the bar with me tonight and get some drinks?"
**Incoming text from Darryl**
" Hey Zak! Thanks for the apology, I would love to come to the bar with you tonight! Want to meet by 11?"
**Incoming text from Zak**
"Sure sounds great! Drinks on me!"
As Zak was getting ready to go to the bar he wanted to write a love note for Darryl, But something was holding him back.
As he was writing it he's head and heart started throbbing, Like it was going to explode, eventually he wrote the not and put it in his pocket.
Zak began to walk to Darryl's dorm and saw him waiting outside for him.
Darryl gave him a little fist bump and started to walk to the bar, as they were walking they were brainstorming ideas for their project.
Darryl gave a idea of making a love potion and giving it to each and everyone of the students in the class, but have it rigged to explode pink sparkles all over them.
Zak thought it was a good idea, and agreed to the idea but he had a idea himself, he wanted to put a special serum in Darryls love potion to make him fall in love with Zak.
"Hey Zak, want to come and order a drink with me?"
"Sure! I'll be there in a second ."
** Puts the note in his jacket pocket**
As Zak gets up from the chair and goes up with Darryl to order the drink, He got a pain in he's side making him fall to the ground.
** Zak Falls to the ground Unconscious**
Darryl runs over for his assistance, And yells for someone to call 911. He begins to perform CPR, But only making the situation worse.
The bartender brings over a defibrillators but knocks over a glass of beer onto Zak legs, and cuts open a part of his leg.
Darryl begins to scream at the bartender of why he did that. He begins to say " YOU FUCKING HOE, YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE HIM BLEED-OUT."
As the bartender grabs some towels to patch up the bleeding, Darryl Starts to use the defibrillator on Zak, but only making it worse.
** Ambulance Arrives at the bar**
As the paramedics bring Zak to the hospital Darryl is driving right behind him to make it to the hospital so he's not alone, because he's parents died on-a sinking cruise ship.
As they got to the hospital Zak was put into surgery right as he got there, in the lobby Darryl was waiting for Zak to be wheeled out of surgery and put into the ICU.
The surgeon walks out of the doors, and walks up to Darryl to give him a update on how Zak is.
The surgeon begins to say " the surgery went well, But there were minor complications during"
"Such as?" Darryl
" Swelling of the brain, And internal bleeding in the leg, He also had a very bad Kidney failure which made him pass out in the bar. Were you guys drinking a little too much?" The surgeon says
" OH GOD NO, we were only going to have a few drinks in the bar, and in fact when he collapsed we were going to get our first drink."
" Well were going to run a couple more tests before we can see how the kidney failure happened and how we can prevent it from happening again"
"Thank you very much! May I see him now?"
"You may have to wait a bit before you can go see him in the ICU, because we are going to do those few tests in a couple minutes, I'll notify you when you can see him."
** After the tests have been done**
"Hey Zak... How are you? I just wanted you to know that I lov- lo- ,THAT I HATE YOU. Wait what I don't hate you. I lov-"
** Pressure Dropping, Code Blue Emergency**
"Whats happening? What did I do? Did I hurt him?"
"Get him out of this room now!" The surgeon said.
**Darryl gets pulled out of the room by the nurses**
"NO!! I need to be with hi-m"
" Darryl passed out. Get me a chest tube!" One of the nurses said
" I can't get it through, He's seizing! Roll him onto his side, GET ME A CRASH CART!"
** Darryl's put into a trauma room**
" Push one of epi! We need to get the chest tube in now!, Pressures dropping, Everybody stand back! CLEAR!"
** Pulse comes back**
"Let's put in a chest tube now! Seizure is done, Chest tubes in! Bag him! Order me a head CT"
** Neuro surgeon comes into the CT room**
" No signs of brain tumours, No brain Bleed, Everything seems fine to me!"
" Let's roll him out of there and bring him into the step-down unit, and monitor him before he can be discharged."
** After A Couple Hours In The Step-Down Unit**
"Hey! Welcome back" the nurse chuckles " you had a big fall a couple hours ago"
"Is my friend Zak Carter okay?" Darryl said
The nurse begins to say " He is not doing as well as you, He had a seizure and had multiple brain bleeds when you were in the room"
" But is he okay now?" Darryl said
The nurse begins " No sweetheart, He's in surgery to stop all the bleeding and organ failure that happened when you were in there."
** After a couples of hours waiting for a update on how Zak was**
"Knock Knock" a nurse said to Darryl.
"hey! Have you got a update on how Zak is?"
" Yes, we have some news for you though he was put into a induced coma to stop the organ failure and the seizures."
" Ma I see him?" Darryl asked
The nurse said " sure, we will wheel you over there in a wheel chair but don't move much cause we don't want you to have another seizure or brain bleed"
Darryl agreed to the conditions and got wheeled to the ICU to see Zak.
As Darryl saw Zak he put his hands onto his hands, but Darryls hands Would not go onto Zak's Hands, There was like a invisible forcefield.
"I missed you Zak, Never do that to me again!"
** Zak Begins to go into cardiac Arrest*
As Darryl is wheeled out of the room, Darryl gets up and picks up a scalpel and slits open his chest making him bleed out.
" He's Tacardic! Get me another crash cart in here right now!"
" Pulse is threading! We lost the pulse! Stand Clear! CLEAR" now of the nurses called out.
" Charge up to 300! CLEAR! No pulse! Should we call it?"
" We have to keep trying, We are surgeons we never give up!"
"Page, Maggie pierce!"
** Zak's Pulse is lost, Doctors pronounced time of death 4:48**
" We lost Zak Carter, Hows Darryl?" Said dr. Korasic
" We could use a little more help here, instead of you standing there come help us!"
" I think we lost him, you have been charging for too long, Just call it"
" NO I CAN'T LOSE HIM' Maggie said.
** Korasic Pulls Maggie down from the table, from doing CPR**
" Come on Maggie we have more criticalPatients then a dead one"
" Maggie he's gone, Now lets go"
" I can't just leave him here they have to be beside each other"
" Fine that's the least thing that we can do for them"
** Dr. Korasic Calls time of death for Darryl 6:03**
The nurses and surgeon leave the room and shut the doors behind them, Leaving Zak and Darryl together.

𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕀𝕤 𝔻𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕤 -𝕊𝕜𝕖𝕡ℍ𝕒𝕝𝕠 &lt;3Where stories live. Discover now