But anyways, Valt saw me and immediately shouts, "SHUUUU!!!!" Waving his hand frantically.

I chuckled, trotting over to him.

"Hey Shu! Long time no see huh?!"

I chuckled softly, "Valt, it's only been a few days you know..."

"But I missed you soooo much!" His eyes sparkled, when he saws crystal on my shoulder.

"Whoaa, I didn't know you had a pet!" He exclaimed, picking up Crystal, who surprisingly, didn't claw or bite him.

"Yeah, I do. Her name is Crystal" u answer, petting her behind the ears.

"Oh why hello there! I'm Valt! Shu's Best best beeeest friend!" He cheers, handing back Crystal to me, who immediately hops onto my shoulder.

I smiled, "shall we go now?"

"Leets goo!" He cheered, running away,
I chuckled and ran after him.

After a lot of running, (and complaints from Crystal) we arrived at the zoo. It's a pretty big zoo, and it have a lot of animals.

Valt squeals, dragging me to the ticket counter. We buy two tickets and went in, thankfully, the zoo allows animals in their zoo (Wich is weird in my opinion)

The zoo wasn't crowded, in fact, it was pretty quiet, excluding a few kids running and screaming around.

Valt immediately drags me to the aquarium, Wich contains a good amount of sea life species. It's relaxing to see them swim around freely, even though this isn't their natural habitat.
And then, we also see the tiger cage, the reptile zone (Wich contains a lot  of snakes), the leopard cage, the zebra cage, and many many more.

Soon, we got tired and sat on a bench nearby. Turns out, Valt manages to sneak in some beybread, and asked me to buy some drinks.

I walked up to a drink shop when Crystal whisper to my ears, "Careful Shu. I have a baaad feeling"

I just shrugged it off. I mean, nothing seems fishy to me.

After grabbing a bottle of water and a bottle of juice (I didn't know juices come in bottles-),  I walked back to Valt, who was munching on his beybread.

I sat next to him and hand him his juice bottle. "Where do you want to go next?" I asked.

"Oh, oh! I heard we can see the lion out of it's cage! Let's go there!"

"Uh... Valt, isn't that kinda dangerous?"

"Naaaaaah. They chained the Lion! What could go wrong"

A lot, I tempted to say, but I just kept my mouth shut.

After finishing our snacks, we walked over to where the lion cage supposed to be. Valt was right, the lion was outside the cage, thankfully, it was chained, and the chain is held by a female zoo keeper.

Something seems off about the lion, it looks pretty hostile. It's eyes looks... Weird. Eerie if I have to say. Valt runs towards the lion, along with a few other kids.

"Hey," crystal whispered, "Be on your guard. That lion is giving me some eerie vibes"

I nodded and pull out my wand from my pocket, grasping it tightly. I was going walked over to valt, when....

It happens

The lion all the sudden throw on a rampage, shaking and breaking of the chains from it's neck. Everyone scream and run, getting away from the rampaging beast.

The zoo keepers tried to calm it down, but the lion grew bat wings and talons, then it try to attack the zookeepers.

"Um, crystal what do I do?!" I screamed,clearly panicking

"TRANSFORM YA DINGUS!" She screamed back.

I rushed to the nearest trash can and  hid behind it.

"Acrux transfrom!"

When I got out from my hiding place, The creature is slashing and hitting everything in it's way with it's talons, roaring as it does so.

And unfortunately, Valt was still a few meter infront of him, still paralyzed.

And so, the beast hit him with it's paw, throwing Valt to the side, making him unconscious.......

And that's when I felt myself Snap

No one hurts my best friend
No one

The few next moments are blurry...
But I remember charging at the beast at full speed, screaming, with tears around my face.

I remember jumping on the beast's paw, jabbing it with my (still unstransformed) wand. I jabbed it with enough Force to make it scream in pain.

I hold on to it's mane, as the beast rampage and jumped up and down, swinging it's head in rage.

Normal people would already fall at this point, but I'm a sailor soldier. Plus, I got some equestrian lessons when I was little. I remember them vividly.

I took a swing, and swung onto it, landing on his back. It tried to shake me off, but I'm not going down that easily.

Suddenly, all the memory I've been through with Valt, Xander, the beyclub, and spryzen came back like a flood. And at the same time...
My wand transform

It glows bright red, and turned into a wand/spear. I didn't think twice to stab him.

"This is for hurting Valt" I hissed as I Stab my wand/spear onto his head.

It roars and I jumped down.
The Beast explode.

I didn't know what happened next, since I already pass out on the hard concrete.

Soldier of the other world [HIATUS]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora