Chapter 39

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"Have a sit."

Sora quietly placed her butt on the comfy couch. She was wearing a tight black mini skirt that revealed her flesh a bit too much. Youngdae frowned, knowing the woman wear it on purpose.

Seungyoun was about to sit on another couch right in front of Sora so that he could face her but Youngdae quickly made an appearance as she walked passing by the man which caused him to stop his movement. It was as if he was trying so hard not to make Youngdae feel displeased.

Seungyoun then sat next to Youngdae, subtly wrapping his left arm around her waist. Sora couldn't notice it but she did realised that Youngdae looked too overwhelmed. Her face went red way too quickly and it was probably the easiest thing to notice on her face. Her blood rushes to her face pretty quickly.

"How are you, Youngdae?" Sora asked, having a concerned face.

"Tired but better." Youngdae replied.

"I'm really glad. By the way, I'm Sora. Seungyoun's personal assistant." She changed her gaze and smiled sweetly to Seungyoun.

"Then act like it."


"That's nice." Youngdae bitterly smiled. Seungyoun who seemed to heard her kept his mouth sealed.

"How long have you been working with Seungyoun?" Youngdae asked, leaning to the back.

"A few months." Mrs.Song served three cups of tea and bowed 90 degrees before leaving them alone once again.

"Is Seungyoun a nice boss? just asking because I don't really know how he handle things." Youngdae was trying to touch the topic about Sora kissing Seungyoun in his car. She wanted to know what exactly happened. She wanted to know about Sora's actual feelings on Seungyoun.

So that she could protect her marriage. This time she'll make sure she'll do it.

"Mr.Cho is a great man. You might not know him well but,"

I know him well. I really do.

"He treat me very nicely. Like a princess!"

Seungyoun pulled his arm from Youngdae as he fixed his glasses, tilted his head to the side as he gave Sora a confused face.

"Like what?" Seungyoun asked.

"I'm sorry. My bad. I meant, he treat his employees very well." Sora took a sip from the tea.

Youngdae looked at Seungyoun. His side profile is amazing. It's hard not to stare at this guy. His features fits perfectly on him.

The male noticed that someone was currently staring at him so he looked back at Youngdae who went panic, almost snapped her neck as she abruptly diverted her gaze to Sora.

"I should go now." Sora stood up, flexing her long legs.

"Right. You should." Youngdae said. She then led her to the front door, couldn't wait to see Sora leave the house.

"Get better soon, Youngdae." Sora smiled.

"Thank you."

"Can't wait to see you again at the office, Mr. Cho."

Seungyoun sighed but nodded his head. Sora won't dare to do anything again or he's taking an action.

Once Sora turned her heels around, Youngdae shut the door. Her blood was boiling and she was getting angry. However, she can't make it obvious because she wasn't supposed to feel anything.

"Such a sweet girl." Youngdae walked in front of Seungyoun, heading to the stairs.

"Youngdae, are you okay?"

contract - cho seungyounTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang