'His gone' she cries as i cradle her in my arms

'I know Kira i know' i say soothingly

she wraps her arms around my back as her breathing becomes slightly regular again

i tilt her slowly to the side as my hand goes under her knees as i cradle her to my chest and stand up

she looks up at me her eyes puffy as i sigh softly walking towards My house where i knew no one would be


'Kol  says he got her off the street but he took her back to his and told us not to come over until he says' i read out in front of everyone

'I just don't understand what happened?' Rebekah says

'You don't think-' Elijah says

'No she would never' Josh interups

'Well something  must of happened because his dead and he was in her hands and she was drenched in his blood' Klaus says

then all our attention snaps to the stairs as we see Hope walking down  her eyes red clearly from crying

'How is he?'Freya asks as Keelin rubs her back

'His not okay and nor am i...his dead....Lukes actually dead' She says as her hands cup her mouth as she  cries

'Hope darling' Klaus says as he walks over to her hugging her tightly as i smile softly at her

'I just can't believe she would do this on purpose she loved Luke' Josh says as i nod softly

'I agree i guess I'm just confused one day Freya escapes then Kira is taken back then she appears on the streets bloody next to Lukes lifeless body' I shrug

'I'm going to go  and speak to Landon' Klaus says as Freya looks at him grinning

'Your going to comfort Landon?' She says as he rolls his eyes

'Yes i'm not a complete monster ' he replies  shortly as he disappears upstairs

'We should be over there supporting her' Josh says as i smile agreeing with him quietly

'Yeah but until we know what happened we can't help Kol said we would just upset her again' i explain

'So what do we do?' he says

'We wait for Kol to message us back until then we need to help Marcel and decide where we're going to keep the body' I say as everyone nods before falling silent


I remember being in front of luke then seeing his lifeless body then theres blood so so much blood i remember Kol being there and the others but mainly Kol 

my eyes are wide open  but i'm so tired but i can't close them

'Kira'  a voice calls as i look around me seeing that im inside somewhere but i don't remember getting here

i glance down at my hands as i see them covered in red crimson blood as my breathing increases as I see Luke's dead eyes his pale skin his blood his-

'Kira!' A voice  shouts as I look up seeing Kols eyes staring into mine with worry as i start to hyperventilate

'Kira look at me' he says as i struggle to catch my breath as he grabs my hand and places it to his chest as i feel his gentle heartbeat

'Listen to my heartbeat focus on that okay and breath' he says as i squeeze my eyes  taking a deep breath with every beat i felt

The Original  Sibling ( First Edition ) Where stories live. Discover now