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            Peter sat outside, enjoying the fresh autumn air as he watched groups of students do their own thing. The cheerleaders practicing their routine for the football game, the geeks reading books and showing off their new collectable bobble-head Spock and captain Kirk action figures. The popular girls gossiping and the unpopular girls talking about the latest episode of adventure time and discussing random ideas about the meaning of life and the universe. The nerds getting bullied and those who weren’t were talking about some new book they read or answers on their science homework. Peter, not really accepted by any one group, sat alone at a picnic table. He took a bite of his sandwich.

            Gwen Stacy was sitting atop a different table, reading a book. Legs crossed, hair up, concentrating. Peter held up his camera. Gwen looked up at him a second before he took the shot. She raised an eyebrow and smirked.

            “Were you stalking me, Peter Parker?” She said as Peter put down his camera as if to look inconspicuous. He blushed.

            “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

            “Come on Peter.” She giggled.

            “Fine. You looked cute reading.” Had he just said that out loud? Peter looked down at his hands. Then looked back up at Gwen, who was blushing.

            “Well, I am flattered.” She said and leapt off the table and sat next to Peter. “Oh, and did you finish my book? I finished yours.” She dug into her backpack and pulled out the book Peter had lent her.

            “Yes, I will give it to you, wait a sec.” Peter then retrieved Gwen’s book and swapped it back with his. Suddenly, a bright red headed figure plopped down in front of them.

            “Hey MJ.” Gwen said. Peter then continued on his lunch.

            “Hey you guys. Glad you saved me a seat, Peter.”

            “Don’t mention it.” Peter said, still busy with his sandwich. As he was about to take a bite, Peter felt a familiar tingling in the back of his neck, and without knowledge of what he was doing, Peter launched himself from the table, did a back-handspring off of the concrete, and landed in a crouching position. It had all felt as if it was going in slow-motion, but super-fast at the same time. Peter was bewildered as he slowly stood up. He then realized that the cause of this had been the lasagna that Flash had launched at him from a nearby table. Peter looked up at Gwen and MJ. And then to Flash and his buddies. They all looked shocked, eyes wide, some with open mouths. Flash was gaping at him.

            Peter then started to quickly walk away from the scene, just reaching the doors to the school when he felt vibrations from behind him. He turned around to see Flash throwing a punch at him. But he saw it differently. Flash’s arm bent back and lunged forward as to gain momentum and power, aimed at Peter’s face. The expression on Flash’s face showed anger. As Peter saw the slow-motion arm moving toward him, Peter ducked. The fist barely grazed the top hairs on Peter’s head as they swung through the location where his head was just a fraction of a second before. Time sped up again, or at least it seemed to for Peter, as he stood back up and faced Flash, who threw a few more punches, only to be easily dodged by Peter. The look on Flash’s face now showed utter frustration and rage, and expressed it further by backing up slowly, and gaining pace as he ran toward Peter. And Peter jumped up into the air and flipped over Flash. Flash ended up running into the wall. Peter landed on the ground, eyes wide. Either, his whole world was slow-mo, or he was just moving in fast-motion. Peter looked back at Flash, who looked livid. Flash had never not landed a punch before. That doesn’t happen. Flash Thompson does not loose. And one does not simply make a fool of Flash Thompson.

            “Come here Parker!” Flash yelled lividly. He attempted to run at Peter once more and throw another punch, but Peter just jumped out of the way.

            Students had started to gather, amazed by the fight. Some were still cheering on Flash, saying things like, come on Flash, you can take ‘em! Or, just punch a little harder! Peter was looking up at Flash with a slightly scared and surprised look that slowly turned into a malicious smile. He was going to have a little fun.

            “Hey Flash!” Peter yelled as Flash lunged at him once more. “Why don’t you come and get me.” Peter then ran, followed by Flash, around the lunch room. He easily jumped onto tables, avoiding stepping on lunches, and flipped off of them. Flash was trampling after him, stomping on many burgers and slices of pizza in the process. After a little bit of this Peter started to notice perspiration on Flash’s forehead. Peter stopped running, looked back, and laughed.

            “I could do this for hours! Come on Flash, you can do better.” Peter just stood, arms crossed, as Flash dragged himself toward Peter, and attempted to throw another punch. Peter dodged it.

            Everyone was in awe. Mouths open. Eyes wide. Some had out their phones and were taping it. Before long, they were chanting PETER! PETER! PETER!

            Peter was having too much fun. He looked towards the lunch lady’s counter, where behind it was stashed the grease and sludge that was served. And that’s straight where Peter was headed. And of course was where Flash followed.

            As if in slow motion, Peter ran straight toward the checkout window, the lunch lady’s seeing the approaching danger and jumping out of the way. Peter leaped, flattening himself out through the hole in the wall. Flash stupidly, jumped in after him, realizing a second too late what was happening. He landed face-first into the pot of cold beef stew.

            As Peter had landed safely beyond that point, he was laughing, until the vice-principal walked into the room. Peter gulped.

Hey guys, sorry for the wait, but I hope you liked this particularily long chapter! Oh, and in case you didn't notice, I made a new cover for this book, yay! 
So, I was just wondering if there was any particular direction i should take this fic? You can leave suggestions and such in the comments because I really don't know where exactly it's gonna go other than following the origin. 

Okay, good day lovelies, and vote if you wish. 

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