Mornings and Libraries

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A/N: Hello, I'm back. I was originally going to stop posting on this site because I was getting many more reads and reviews on, but I thought why not and might as well continue. But I would really appriciate votes and reviews, and I'm thinking that I need to get one vote per chpter in order to post the next chapter. But for now, enjoy, and have a nice day.

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BE- Peter slammed his hand on the snooze button, stopping the horrid beeping of his alarm and snuggling up more into his blankets. He was just falling back into a slumber when the lights blared on and his aunt peaked into the room.

            “Peter, you have to get up. I have told you a thousand times that the snooze button does you no good, it just makes you late. Now, snap snap!” Aunt May clapped her hands twice and when Peter just groaned she came into his room and tore the blankets off of his bed. Peter curled up, hissing like a vampire when put in the sun. He covered his eyes with his hands. “Peter, you are overreacting. Get up and get ready. I know you are still used to the luxury of sleeping in from the summer, but you *grunt* have to take some responsibility.” She was now trying to pull Peter from his bed. Peter was feeling as uncomfortable as ever, he was cold, drowsy, and being bullied by his own aunt. Aunt May finally gave up.

            “If I don’t see you down stairs in thirty minutes, well, you better get ready fast. I want to get you used to the new schedule.” With that Aunt May left Peter’s room. Peter groaned and sat up on his bed. Funny, she didn’t do this last year. Maybe she is tired of getting calls from the school saying that he’s tardy. That’s still no excuse to wake him up at six a.m. School starts at eight. He doesn’t even usually take a half hour to get ready. Finally standing up and stretching, Peter headed out of his room, across the hall, and into the bathroom. Peter didn’t bother rushing on his shower, for his aunt (at least in his terms) had gotten him up at unearthly hours. Finally getting out, he dried off and dressed in the black jeans and red t-shirt he had picked out. Looking in the partially fogged up mirror, he already knew that his dark brown hair was untamable so Peter didn’t bother brushing it. He had slept in his contacts so there was no use in putting in corrective lenses for the day. Besides, he probably wouldn’t have been able to get to the bathroom without them in. Peter brushed his teeth and exited the bathroom.

            “You’re six minutes late.” Aunt May said when Peter came into the kitchen.

            “Since when have you been so cruel in the mornings?”

            “Since I decided to do something about all of the calls and notes I’m getting about your attendance.” Aunt May said as she set down eggs and toast. Peter started to munch on his breakfast. He decided to ignore his Aunt’s routine for he knew she would be snapped out of this when he got home. He knew she was affected by mornings too. She just refused to admit it. Just then Uncle Ben walked into the room.

            “I’m leaving now. Have a good day at school Peter.” Uncle ben waved from the living room where he was putting on his jacket.

            “Ok. Have a good day Honey.” Aunt May said while going over to give him a goodbye kiss on the cheek.

            “Bye Uncle Ben.” Peter said, his mouth full of eggs.

            “Peter, aren’t you up a little early? “I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, just unusual…” Peter then immediately pointed to Aunt May. Uncle Ben chuckled and left the house. Peter then noticed the time. Seven. How had an hour already passed? Oh well. Peter spent about eight minutes gathering his school stuff together before he finally decided that he might as well head to school early. He could always hang out in the library. Or talk to Gwen if she was there. That thought made him smile. It was 7:10 when Peter finally left. He tossed on his dark blue jacket and grabbed his backpack and camera. Bidding goodbye to his Aunt, he closed the door. The air was crisp and had a slight chill to it, but the sun still shone. There was condensation on the grass. This is going to be a good day, Peter decided.

Peter walked into the school library, planning on finishing the book he had checked out yesterday and turning it in before school actually started.

            “Hi, Mr. Lee.” Peter greeted the librarian, who was an eighty something year old man and rumor says that he’s worked there since anyone could remember.

            “Hello Peter, nice to see you back again.” He said while putting books away on the shelves. Peter had always been on pretty good terms with Mr. Lee, saying that he came here at least three times a week. Peter started looking for a seat when he spotted a familiar face. Gwen was sitting at the opposite end of the library reading a book. Peter walked over to her and tapped her shoulder. Gwen looked startled for half a second, but then she looked up and smiled when she saw who it was.

            “Hi Peter, you surprised me.”

             “Well, you must have been really into that book.”

            “I am. It’s really interesting. Do you want to borrow it after I’m done?” She asked, eyebrows raised and showing Peter the cover of the book.

            “Really? Can I?” Peter asked, sitting across from Gwen.

            “Yeah. What are you reading?” She asked and Gwen saw Peter pulling a book out of his backpack. Peter showed her the cover.

            “Oh! I’ve always wanted to read that book. Is it interesting?” She asked.

            “Yeah, I still have to finish it, but I’m almost finished. I’ve really enjoyed it so far.” He said, passing it to Gwen so that she could read the summary. Gwen passed her book to Peter so that he could do the same. Gwen then opened her mouth to speak.

            “Hey, I have an idea. How about we do a sort of book-swap thing, where every week or so, we each read a book, and then the following week, we trade books. I don’t know just an idea.” Gwen shrugged her shoulders. Peter looked up from reading the summery.

            “Yeah,” He said, smiling, “That sounds like a good idea. We can start this week.” Gwen nodded and affirmative yes. “But, for that book,” Peter motioned to his book that was in Gwen’s hands, “You are going to need to not take too long on, because it’s from my account. Not that I doubt the fact that you would get it in on time, just a warning.” Gwen nodded again.

            “Yeah, and same with you, for the books that are from my account. However, that book is right from my shelf, so keep it as long as you want. Well, I mean, not as long as you want. I don’t want you keeping it for eighty years. But, the point is,” Gwen held up one finger to symbolize the point, “Don’t steal it. It’s my book. Not that I would think you would do that, you know, just-”

            “Ok Gwen, I think I get the idea” Peter said while lightly laughing. “I won’t steal it or keep it for eighty years or throw it into a portal to another dimension or anything.” Gwen started giggling and they got looks from nearby readers signaling to be quiet. It is a library after all. Peter and Gwen got guilty looks on their faces and sunk back into their chairs and their books. 

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