At the Parker residence

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About an hour or two later, Peter decided it was time to go inside. He had managed to successfully be able to balance with both feet on the board while going at a very slow speed. He figured that if he practiced a little after school each day than he would eventually get it. Stepping inside, he hurried up the stairs to his right and slipped into his room. Placing the skateboard, which had given him many painful and bruise worthy experiences, on the floor, Peter slid into his spinning chair in front of his desk and spun around. His room was but a blur, the posters of bands, movies, and scientific quotes zoomed past in a flurry of colors. Once the chair stopped Peter turned to his desk and continued to work on a new door lock. He planned for this to be motorized, and remote-operated so that he could control it from anywhere in his room with a flick of a switch. Peter referred to his design and realized that the tool that he needed for that particular part was a screwdriver, which in fact was the one tool that was not scattered about his desk. Moaning, Peter ran out of his bedroom door and down the stairs.

            “Aunt May! Do you know where the screwdriver is?” He yelled, stepping through the living room and into the kitchen. She was in the middle of cooking dinner, and by what Peter could tell he smelled meatloaf. No one ever told her this, but Aunt May’s meatloaf really wasn’t that great. But, He and Uncle Ben both put up with it, causing Aunt May to think that they like it, and make it about once a week. Aunt May turned around to face Peter, apron on.

            “What was that Peter?”

            “Um, I was wondering if you knew where the screwdriver was, I need it for a project I’m working on, and I can’t find it.” Aunt May turned the dial on the stove and adjusted the pan she was working with.

            “You and your projects. No, I’m sorry Peter I don’t know where it is, you’ll have to ask your uncle when he gets home.” Suddenly, the door opened and a familiar face walked in.

            “Hi Uncle Ben!” Peter walked up to his uncle and gave him a quick hug.

            “Hey Peter, how was your first day of school?” Ben asked as he hung up his coat.

            “See Peter I don’t have to ask your uncle to hang up his stuff.” Aunt May butted in. Peter rolled his eyes and ignored her.

            “Yeah, it was good. Listen, Uncle Ben, do you know where the screw driver is?” Peter quickly asked.

            “Oh, yes, I believe it is in the top drawer next to the fridge. Why?”

            “Well, I’m making a lock for my door. Thanks.” With that Peter shot off to the kitchen. Opening the drawer, he grabbed the tool and ran to his room. Peter then started back to work on the lock. It’s not that he doesn’t trust his aunt and uncle, it’s just that they are always barging in without knocking or at the most inconvenient of times. Such as when he’s half naked and getting dressed for the day. Or when he is in the middle of homework, or a complicated project, and he really needs to focus. Suddenly his door burst open and there was Aunt May.

            “Ok Aunt May this is the exact reason why I am making this lock.” Peter then motioned to her and the door, then threw his hands up.

            “Well I’m sorry Peter.” She said half sarcastically. “I’ve just come to notify you that dinner is ready. We’re having meatloaf.” She ended with a stern smile and exited the room. Peter made a low groan and stood up, stretching. He then exited his bedroom and made his way downstairs.

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