chapter 21

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reids pov

Today is the day when I have to apologise to Hotch and speak to Rossie I'm a bit scared but I know I have to do it walking into round circle seeing everyone talking and laughing well was laughing when they saw me they stopped talking and laughing and just looked at me with a sad smile I just looked up and see Hotch talking to Strauss I just looked down to the floor again and just walked into Hotchs' office and hid under his desk feeling scared and nervous the one thing I didn't expect for Hotch and Strauss to walk in "he can't keep doing this he is an agent, not a child he's a 26-year-old not 5-year-old" Strauss said I know they are talking about me as silent tears rolled down my face unable to move from the spot I was in next was a simple "just get out of my office Spencer is a good kid and him falling into a headspace to help him cause you don't know shit about his life all the time and effort he puts into his work here and the fact he is scared that he may have the same disease that is slowly killing his mother so if you know what he is going through you can tell me that he is fired he is NOT FIRED AND YOU CAN'T FIRE HIM BECAUSE OF YOUR PAST NOW LEAVE" with that said she left they want to fire me making more tears fall more rapidly as Hotch goes to sit down he finally notes me "Reid what are you doing here ...Wait did you hear that?" as he picked me up and put me on his knee I just looked at him and nodded with a small "I just wanted to say sorry to you but she wants to fire me " saying it quietly crying more as Hotch just hugged me and said in a serious tone "and I will never let that happen trust uncle Hotch and I accept your apology" we just sat there for about what seemed like 5 minutes until JJ walked in and said we had a case but stopped when she saw me with dried tear marks on my face and just shouted "we have a code waterfall" with that said everyone in the team ran into Hotchs' office including Rossie came in and hugged me and all I said was "she wants to fire me " making everyone look at Hotch as he explained to everyone as we were getting ready to go to Los vegas all I thought was one down the big one to go.

Sorry I've been super busy because I'm a key worker hope you all are okay hope you all like.

genius babyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ