chapter 18

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Reid pov

Waking up I see I'm no longer in my room let alone my house as I try to think where I am I hear typing sounds like someone typing on a computer looking behind me seeing Rossie sitting up making Rossie look up and smiling I say with a half-asleep brain " good morning David how long have I been asleep and was I little when I fell asleep" making him look at me a bit shocked " umm good evening actually and you have been asleep for 2 hours and the last answer is yes you were" walking up to David seeing what he was doing while I was knocked out looking at his open laptop seeing that he had two tabs open one that was a notepad seeing that he had started writing his new book and another tab on a site with a quite a lot of little space stuff looking at him and all he could say was "I was looking at stuff so you won't have to bring your toys when I babysit you cause you'll have toys here" making me understand what he was saying.

"Hey you wanna watch a movie I'm bored," I ask in a very bored voice making him look up at me and nodding his head closing his computer and going to the tv to pick out a movie and me going to the kitchen to get some snacks walking back into the room seeing David just sitting down and patting a seat next to him sitting next to him and we begin to watch the movie.

some time went by and we were still watching the movie when a very heated part came on making me look at Rossie because he picked out the movie so he should know what happens in the movie, looking at him seeing that he was already looking at me then the next this I know is that I'm being brought into what I thought was a hug but no it was not how I know you ask because I could feel his lips on mine and before I know we were having a full-on make-out session.

however, I soon came back to my senses and pull away just thinking that I've just cheated on mac and Lisa but I just kissed my crush so why was I upset yes when Rossie came back to the BAU I got a crush on him but Ingave up on it because he had had a lot of ex-wives coming out of my thoughts by hearing Rossie saying "I'm sorry Spencer I shouldn't off kissed you I know you are in a relationship please don't tell mac" after thinking about it I promised not to tell before things could get awkward they was a knock at the door Rossie went to get it looking at the door I see that is mac standing up and wiping my face and cleaning up my toys saying hi to him grabbing my stuff saying our goodbyes and telling Rossie I will see him next week and off we went home.

Hi, guys I know another update I can't sleep right now it is 00:41 am I'm having a little bit of writers block so if you have any ideas that would help a lot and I would even give you a thank you in the chapter well yeah sorry for the spelling mistakes thank you for the reads lots of love cece x

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