chapter 13

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Rossie pov

Still, feel shit about what happened to Reid but now we are trying to find him thinking about the case a womon well more like a teenage girl runs through the offices saying she saw her neighbour carrying an unconscious male to his farmhouse and I don't know what's happening but the male looked like he was bleeding and at that point, everyone in the team almost snapped there heads we all looked that fast Morgan asked the girl to tell us everything and what he was wearing so we can make sure it was spencer as we sat the girl down Garcia put her computer on record so we can have it for evidence because we have no time to ask her to write it down so she began to speak.

the girls pov

So it was about 8 o'clock and I was getting my horses in when I saw his red pickup truck pull in and I was about to walk up and say hi as well as ask if he needed help in the barn because he runs a house rescuing centre for hurt animals but it's not just horse's its lots of other animals too and I try to help him out but anyway as I was walking close to the fence when I saw him go to the back of the drivers seat I tried to look through the window and I saw a car seat but not a child's one that was a big enough to put an adult seeing him pulling out an adult a quite skinny guy at that I decide to say where I was so I couldn't be seen the guy looked he had brownish kinda hair the only way I could see because his door light was on and one big thing I saw about the guy was that he was wearing a purple scarf draped around his neck then I saw the blood dripping down his head and he did say "I'm gonna have to clean all that blood up later but first to bed with you " yeah then I biked it all the way here oh and I can draw the guy for you if you would like too I do art and I pretty good at it.

Rossie pov

After hearing all of that I'm sure that it is Reid Garcia is now on the phone trying to calm mac and Lisa because Hotch told her to tell them because they would be worried sick and he was damn right they were scared to death it had to be about 2 hours later Garcia as calmed mac and Lisa down a bit and the girl had finally finished the drawing

After hearing all of that I'm sure that it is Reid Garcia is now on the phone trying to calm mac and Lisa because Hotch told her to tell them because they would be worried sick and he was damn right they were scared to death it had to be about 2 h...

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looking at it we know it was Reid now we need to know how to get him back  

Hello 2 uploads in one day I didn't believe it myself and look what I found I think it's very cute

Hello 2 uploads in one day I didn't believe it myself and look what I found I think it's very cute

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