chapter 10

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Reid pov

Today is the day I'm back at work driving into the parking lot seeing Morgans' car walking into the offices I see everyone sitting doing their work not laughing or talking and not even looking at each other well until a certain person saw me and smiled and said "the baby of the family is back meaning the family is back together" Garcia said making everyone look up smiling walked up to me and hugged me saying they didn't feel right without me that made me happy as Rossie and hotch were coming out seeing me and smiling as well hugging me then saying we have a case. in Texas, 3 bodies were found in the park in cardboard boxes and wrapped in a blanket like a newborn child and the victims are held for a week so now we are all on the plane and I was tired I blame mama and dada for my naps so I try and get to sleep so nicely Rossie let me use his shoulder as a pillow and as I was just falling to sleep I believe that it was JJ put a blanket on me I woke up 10 minutes before landing seeing everyone looking at me in aww I was about to ask what everyone was looking at and Emily states that I look cute when I sleep because I suck my thumb making me blush as Morgan says "I guess your missing your pacifier without realising" I nod and put my head down trying not to fall into little space we get to the police station and when I say we I mean me, Rossie, Hotch, Morgan and JJ are at the crime scene and Emily went to talk to the families of the deceased as we were waiting for everyone to come back I notice something odd that I guess the police haven't seen yet on each body there is a very small tattoo I just need to see it more clearly "hello boy genius what can Garica do for you?" " hehe hi garga..i mean Garica um on the crime scene photos next to the victims left leg there is a mark that looks like at tattoo can you do me a good one a send me a copy of them zoomed in, please"

"of course I can little cutie you will have them in 5 minutes or less" as I was waiting for the photos Morgan and JJ come back from the crime scene saying there is nothing in proper about the place and scenery as soon as Emily was walking through the door the printer started printing something everyone looked at each other wondering who had printed it walking to the printer begging I was right about the tattoo picking up the photo smiling to myself because I was right " I know it was a tattoo, Emily and Rossie, when you go to the morgue ask if this tattoo was pre Mortem or post mortem they is a tattoo on the victims bodies that say rest in peace little one" turning around I see everyone shocked as Hotch said "how did you see that and we all thought you were going to take it slow I guess not then" I just smiled after work I decided to go out for a walk because it was only 7:30 and still light out as I was walking in the park I felt like someone was following me I turn around and see someone looks like a male I take out my phone and text Rossie saying someone is following........send

then everything went black

sorry I'm talking long to upload I'm back at college anyway what do you think is happing to spencer all redy stared next chapter

genius babyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora