Chapter 10

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I wake up to Conor's voice in my ear. " Aria? Wake up."

"Hmm.... What?"

"Wake up.... We will be leaving soon."

"Oh... Yeah, right." I say as I rub the sleep out of my eyes.

I get dressed and grab all of my things. I feel so awkward about last night. I don't understand what happened.

We get downstairs and meet Nate and Jess.

We bring the bags to the car and hop in. Nate and Jess are chatting away in the front while Conor and I sit in complete silence.

Luckily I manage to sleep a little bit on the drive home and before long we pull outside our apartment.

"Guys you go ahead in, Jess and I are going to the cinema, I'll be back later."

"Okay, thanks again Jess, the beach club was amazing." I say as I smile across at Jess.

"Anytime Aria. Maybe next time you'll have a hot guy to bring." She says with a cheeky wink.

"Hey, less of that talk thank you very much." Nathan quickly adds.

"Aw, aren't you sweet being the overprotective big brother."

"You may call it sweet, I'd call it overbearing and really annoying." I say as I roll my eyes.

Conor grabs the bags and I follow him into the apartment. It's almost 6.00pm. I still feel exhausted,

(How long do hangovers last?)

We both head to the kitchen to get something eat. Neither of us speaking.

(God I hate this.)

Just as Conor is about to leave I call out to him. "So are we going to talk about what happened last night?"

"Aria, there's not much to say. You are my best friends sister, and you're .."

"What? A virgin? Is that why you don't want me all of a sudden?"

Conor walks towards me, we are now only inches away from each other.

"Damn Aria, I want you so bad. But... Nate would absolutely kill me, you have to understand that."

"Well maybe I don't care what Nate thinks, I'm my own person, I'm not a little child anymore..."

"Please Aria, don't make this harder then it already is. It can't happen, end of story."

With that he sprints up the stairs and goes into his room.

(This is so frustrating. I really want to be with him right now, maybe if I show him I'm not just his friend's little sister... He might see me differently and not be so afraid.)

I'm fed up of being the awkward, shy little girl in front of him. I hurry to my room and take out my fanciest bra and thong set that I own. It's red lace that leaves very little to the imagination. I've never even worn it before, it was definitely an impulse buy.

I stand looking in the mirror.

(God can I really do this, what if he completey rejects me? Things will be even more uncomfortable between us....oh to hell with.)

I wrap my robe around me and cross the hall where I knock lightly on Conor's door.

My heart is racing as the door starts to open and as soon as I come face to face with him I completely lose all my train of thought.

"Aria? What are you doing here?"

I'm still standing there speechless, looking like a class A weirdo.

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