Chapter 13

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Conor is standing there staring at the both of us. His eyes drop down to Billy's hand in particular which is still positioned on my hip. I swiftly move away from him.

"Oh, em... Yeah I better get back. It was good seeing you again Billy."

"Yeah you too, hopefully I'll see you again soon Aria."

I walk past Conor and make my way back to the table.

"Everything ok Jess?"

"Eh, yeah.... Why wouldn't it be?"

"Oh. Eh, Conor said that you were looking for me?"

"No, I was a little bit preoccupied with your brother here."


(That's weird why did he tell me she was looking for me?!)

Conor comes back to the table and sits down.

The atmosphere is definitely a bit off, we stay for another few drinks.

"So what do you say we head to ours and have a game of pool or something, or do you need to get back to your mom's Conor?"

"No, my mom is working the night shift at the hospital and my sister is sleeping over at a friend's so I could come over."

"Cool, let's go so."

We all get back to the car and go to our house. We make our way down to the basement.

"Hey, guys I've a better idea, instead of pool, how about we play truth or dare?" Jess says with a cheeky smile on her face.

"Oooh, that could be a bit of fun." Nathan adds.

"I don't know, it's a bit lame isn't it?"

"Never underestimate a good game of truth or dare. Are you too scared sis?"

"No, I'm not scared." I say, as I roll my eyes at my brother.

"Right that settles it, Conor you in?"

"Yeah, why not!"

(Oh God, why do I have a bad feeling about this?!)

"Ok I'll go first, Conor. Truth or dare?"


"Hmm.... Let's see. Was Zara good in bed?"

Jess slaps Nate on the arm. "Seriously babe, can you not? That's sick, why would you want to know that and especially when I'm right here beside you?"

"Ok ok, fine. Are you and Zara back together?"

I can see Jess look at me apologetically, as we await his answer.

"No." Conor says, barely giving it any thought.

"Well that's a relief, I gotta say. Your turn, who are you asking?"


I turn to look at him nervously.

"Truth or dare?"

"Oh. Em, I guess truth."

"Did you kiss Billy tonight?"

I'm shocked by his question, he must have thought we were making out earlier when he interrupted us. Why does he even care though?!

Nate quickly interupts my thoughts. "What? Were you with that guy tonight?"

"Eh. Nate, I believe Conor asked the question." Jess quickly adds.

"Ah yes, sorry."

"No, I did not kiss Billy tonight. We were just talking."

You could cut the tension between us with a knife right now.

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