Chapter 24

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Both Conor and I are still sitting on the sofa after Nate's revelation.

"Oh God, this is bad. I can't believe Jess broke up with him. I mean they seemed really happy."

"Yeah they did, I've actually never seen him that crazy about a girl before."

I slump my face in my hands.

I feel Conor's arm wrap around my waist.

"Hey, it will be ok. Do you want to go talk to him or should I?"

"I don't know if he'll want to talk to either of us but I have to at least try. Do you mind if I go?"

"Not at all, he's your brother after all, he'll probably open up more to you anyway."

"Hmm, well I'm not so sure about that but I'll give it my best shot."

"No problem, I'll stay here and watch some tv until you are finished."

I lean in and give Conor a quick kiss on the lips before I make my way upstairs to Nate's bedroom.

I stand outside his door and knock on it gently.

After several knocks and no answer I bang louder.

"Nate open the damn door, you know I'll stay out here all night if that's what it takes for you to talk to me."

The door suddenly swings open and Nate stares back at me.

"God you are so annoying, you know that?!"

"Yes I do as a matter of fact but thanks for reminding me."

I walk past him and sit on his bed. He turns to me looking defeated as he closes the door behind him. He joins me on the side of the bed.

"Please talk to me Nate. Why did Jess break up with you?"

Nate fiddles with his fingers as he looks down to the ground.

"Honestly, I'm not even sure, I mean we were really happy.... Or at least I thought we were."

"Well what did she say to you?"

"She said she wanted some time apart. That we were getting too serious and she wanted to be single for a while..... Which we all know is code word for wanting to go out and hook up with other guys."

"Oh Nate, I'm sorry. I really thought she was a keeper. Maybe she just needs some time to think things through."

"Nah, I'm done with her. I'm not going to wait around until she finally decides she wants me back. I should have listened to my gut back then. I never bothered with relationships for this very reason."

"You can't let this put you off the possibility of meeting someone else."

"I won't, but I'm certainly not doing the whole relationship thing again until I'm finished college. I'm just going to have fun from now on, like I used to."

"Not all relationships are destined to fail, look at Conor and I, we make it work."

"Really? Well what's going to happen next summer when he graduates and moves out into the real world? Will he still want his old college girlfriend hanging around him?"

"Nate?! I get that you are hurting right now but that doesn't give you the right to take it out on me. I'm only trying to help."

"Yeah well I'm only trying to help you too. Don't be so naive. Have you even discussed what his plans are and where you fit into them?"

I'm stunned to silence. I can't answer Nate because the truth is we haven't discussed it and to be honest before today I hadn't even given it any thought, but now all of a sudden I'm starting to freak out about what all this means for us.

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