Chapter 25

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I went straight to my room after Conor left and got an early night.

I wake up to a knocking on my bedroom door.

"Uh..... Who is it?"

"It's your favourite brother. Can I come in?"

"That depends, are you going to be an ass again?"

"No, I promise. Please I just want to talk to you for a minute."

"Fine, come in."

Nate walks into the room holding a bunch of flowers in his hand.

"These are for you. I'm sorry for being an ass yesterday."

"I'm speechless, did you actually get me flowers?"

"Well.... I got them out of our garden so don't get too excited."

"You're such a goofball. Does mum know you were digging up her prize possessions?"

"Nope.... Maybe keep them in your room."

"Hmmmm. Anyway, thanks they are lovely."

"Look I'm really sorry, I was feeling like crap about Jess and I totally took it out on you when you were only trying to be nice."

"I know Nate, I am really sorry about you and Jess and I can only imagine how upset you must be."

"Yeah, I'm definitely more upset than I'd like to admit. But please ignore all that stuff I said about you and Conor. I know how much he loves you so you've nothing to worry about."

"Well, I guess we haven't actually discussed the future much, I mean I hope whatever happens next year we'll still be together."

"Seriously, I really don't think you've anything to worry about. Just talk to him about it if it's bugging you."

"Yeah, I might. Look are you going to be ok?"

Nate chuckles slightly.

"Oh Aria, I'm made of strong stuff. Yes I loved Jess but I will get over this, it's just going to be hard for the first while but we obviously weren't meant to be."

I hop out of bed and wrap my arms around Nate in a bear hug.

"Jeeze, easy. You may look small but you are slowly squeezing the life out of me here."

I giggle as I loosen my grip on my brother.

"Sorry. You know I'm here anytime if you want to talk about it."

"Yeah yeah, honestly stop worrying. Now hurry up and get dressed. Conor is downstairs waiting for you."

My eyes go wide as I look back at Nate.

"What? You're only telling me that now. Has he been here long?"

"About an hour, I told him to come up to you but he said he didn't want to wake you up."

"Right, out... I need to get dressed."

"Oh yeah, you are all hugs until you hear loverman is waiting for you."

"Shut it you. Out now."

"Relax, I'm going."

Nathan leaves the room and I quickly throw on a pair of jeans and a christmas jumper. After fixing my hair I quickly make my way down the stairs.

Conor is sitting at the kitchen table chatting to my mum.

"Aria, finally you decided to get up?"

Conor turns to face me and smiles.

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