Chapter 1

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I haven't seen my brother or Conor in nearly 6 months. I'm waiting for Nathan to pick me up to bring all my stuff to the apartment  so that I can get settled in before College starts. I'm so excited to be finally moving out of our parents house but I have to admit I'm feeling a little nervous about seeing Conor again. I always seem to be a flustered mess when I'm around him. I'm pretty sure he has to know I fancy him at this stage, I haven't exactly been the most subtle with all the flushing and stuttering when I talk to him.

I'm standing in the hall of my house with my bags all ready to go when my mother's voice sounds out behind me.

"Aria sweetie, are you all set?"

"Yes mum, I think I have everything packed, I just hope it all fits in Nathan's car!" I say .

"I'm sure it will. I can't believe that both of my babies are gone to college. The house is going to be very quiet." my mother says with a tinge of sadness in her voice.

"I'm sure you'll enjoy the peace and quiet, and anyways we'll be home for the holidays in no time." I say reassuringly.

"Oh I must get your father, he's out in the back garden doing some work. He will want to see you off." 

"Okay mom." I say as she leaves to get my father.

As I look out the window I notice Nathan's car pull into the driveway. I make my way over to the front door and open it up. Nathan is just getting out of the car when he spots me at the door. He makes his way up to the front door, he glances at me and then to the pile of bags on the ground by my feet.

"Aria,are all those bags yours?.....Are you sure you have everything, it looks like you packed the entire contents of your bedroom?"

I roll my eyes at my brother. "Oh be quiet, we girls need a little bit more stuff you know? I had to pack for every occasion, you just never know what might come up." I say enthusiastically.

"Hmm, sure. I hope you know that the room is quite small. It was only just used as a storage room. Conor and I weren't expecting another roommate."

"I know I'm sorry. I really thought that I would eventually convince mom and dad to let me get my own place but there weren't budging." I say apologetically.

Nathan smiles softly at me. "Listen it's fine. I'm only messing with you sis. I honestly don't long as you bring plenty of your hot college friends home with you we'll be happy." Nathan says, chuckling lightly.

I shake my head at Nathan. "Dream on brother. So is Conor okay about me moving in as well? I don't want to be putting anyone out." I say cautiously.

"Ah you know Conor. He's easy going. It's all good with him. Sure we will all be doing our own thing anyway so you'll probably barely ever see us." Nathan says.

Our dad's voice calling out interrupts us.

"Now Nathan you drive safely and make sure you look after my little pumpkin."

I roll my eyes at my dad at his silly pet name for me. "Dad seriously? I think  you can stop calling me pumpkin. I'm not a little girl anymore."

He pulls me into his arms squeezing me tightly as he whispers softly. "Sweetie, you'll always be my little girl."

Nathan interrupts us. "Right, I'm going to load up the car while you say your goodbyes."

I turn to face my parents. "Listen guys, don't be worrying about me I will be completely fine. I will call you and let you know how it is all going." I say reassuringly.

My mother pulls me into her arms as her eyes start to fill with tears. My dad comes over and wraps his arm around the both of us.

"Please be careful pumpkin and make sure and call us if you need anything." My father says.

"I will dad, sure I have Nathan too so it's not like I'll be on my own." I say trying to put both my parents at ease.

Nathan's voice calls out from outside. "Come on Aria, I have a party to organize."

Our mother quickly shouts out. "I hope it's not in your apartment?"

"Chill mom, no it's not."

"Okay I better go. I love you both." I say as I grab my jacket and handbag off the table.

I leave the house and slip into Nathan's car, waving goodbye as Nathan pulls off and we start our three hour journey.

"So Aria, are you looking forward to starting your course next week?" asks Nathan.

"Yeah I am, although if I'm being honest I'm a little nervous. I'm sure once I get settled in I'll be fine." I say positively.

"You'll be fine, don't be stressing about it. I'm sure you will meet plenty of people at the party later." Nathan says casually.

I raise my eyebrows in surprise as I turn to Nathan. "Em.....what party is this?"

"Ah well myself, Conor and our friend t.j usually organizes a get together for anyone who is around for college the week before we go back. It just gives everyone a chance to catch up and others to get to know each other better. I know we aren't all doing the same course but we will all be on the same campus so we are bound to bump into each other."

"Oh okay, well where is the party? Did you lie to mom and dad about it being in your apartment? I ask accusingly.

Nathan chuckles. "Look at you miss goody two shoes. Are you afraid that mom and dad will find out? You can relax because the party is at t.j's house. It's huge, his parents bought it for him when he started college."

"What? Are you serious? They actually bought him a house?" I ask in disbelief.

"I'm serious. His parents are filthy rich, but trust me t.j isn't some snob like his parents, he is actually very down to earth and grounded. Actually his younger sister is starting college this year so she'll be moving here too."

"Okay cool. Are you sure you want to be seen with your little sister? It might ruin your image." I say teasingly.

"Oh don't worry as soon as we get there I'll dump you and pretend I don't know you." Nathan says jokingly.

"Jerk!" I snap.

We spend the rest of the drive talking about our courses and the party tonight. Before I know it we pull up outside Nathan and Conor's apartment. We grab my bags out of the car and make our way inside. I start to feel a little nervous about seeing Conor again. I'm sure he is just as hot as he was the last time I saw him.

Nathan carries my bags down the hall and pushes them through a doorway.

"So, this is your room here. My room is the only room that has an en-suite so yourself and Conor will be sharing the bathroom. Luckily for you he's not a slob like me."

(He's definitely not wrong about the part where he is a slob.....the amount of fights we used to have at home over the wet towels he used to leave laying around the bathroom floor and don't get me started on the hair in the drain.)

"Look I'll bring in the rest of your bags later on because I have to run. You might have noticed that Conor isn't here. I have to meet him over in t.j's to help set up for the party. We will be back in a couple of hours to get ready and then we will all go then." Nathan says as he is about to leave my room.

"Okay, that's fine. I will start unpacking and I'll see you later." I say.

"Great, see you soon." Nathan says as he dashes down the hallway.

I get started on unpacking all my stuff. Nathan certainly wasn't exaggerating when he said the room was small but not to worry, I'm sure I'll manage. After a couple of hours sorting out my things I decide to go and have a shower because I need to start getting ready for this party before the boys arrive back.

I go to the bathroom and have my shower. My thoughts are consumed with memories of Conor. I have always been incredibly shy around him, I get so tongue-tied all the time when I try to speak to him. He has always had a flock of women following him around in high-school, I'm sure college is no different.

I hop out of the shower and wrap a towel around my wet body. As I open the bathroom door I come face to face with.....Conor!!

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