Chapter 15: Cherish

Start from the beginning

Alexa checked the calendar and saw that the next pay-per-view is in two weeks, which is Backlash.

Alexa: Backlash, does he meant by that?

Travis: he may show up at Backlash

Randy: whatever his intentions are, we still don't know who is he targeting

The Bliss Republic are left in a twisted game of guess who.

Meanwhile, in the Brotherhood's locker room, Drew came in.

Drew: you all saw that, right?

Big E: two weeks, Backlash is in two weeks

Candice: is he gonna make an appearance at Backlash?

Xavier: that's a possibility

Roman: we'll find out at Backlash, but look Alex is gonna be addressing the WWE Universe for the first time since Takeover: Tampa

The Brotherhood turned their attention to the screen.

(In the arena)

Jerry "The King" Lawler stood up from the commentary table.

Jerry: ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to a man who has been out of action due to injury, Alex Auditore!

The crowd cheered as they see the Brotherhood leader via satellite with Tegan sitting beside him.

Alex: how you all doing?

Jerry: Alex, great to see you; the WWE Universe wants to know, how are you feeling?

Alex: well King, I'm currently recovering at the hospital, and as you can see I have a massive headache, but with plenty of rest, I'll be feeling better

Jerry: glad that you're okay; I just want to ask, who is this mystery One-Winged Angel that's been sending these unclear messages because we are confused and curious

Alex: King, I also feel the same way; I don't know as well, I don't even know if this angel is a friend or foe to the Bliss Republic or to the Brotherhood, but whoever he is, both groups better ready themselves

As Jerry was about to ask the next question, he was interrupted by the Bliss Republic's theme as Randy and Alexa came out. The Viper and Goddess got in the ring and grabbed mics.

Alex: hello Randy, and hello to you too, my lovely wife

Randy: cut the crap, Alex

Alexa: we know that you know who this One-Winged Angel is

Alex: I'm confused as the entire WWE Universe, I don't know who this guy is

Randy: you learned a lot from me, Alex; especially when it comes to psychologically mess up your opponents

Alex: Randy Randy, if I was this so called "One-Winged Angel," then I could've been in that very ring kicking your ass right now, but I'm here in this hospital bed recovering from my injuries, so let me make this clear for everyone, "I am not the One-Winged Angel"

Alexa: okay, if you're not the angel, then who is it then?

Alex: as the message said, you have to wait two weeks, so I'm gonna get some rest, and I'll be watching the main event

Alex turned off his video chat app. Alexa gave Randy some motivation as the Viper faces the Bruiserweight for the first time ever.

(Orton vs. Dunne)

The Viper and the Bruiserweight locked up and Pete immediately went for his signature joint manipulation on the United States Champion's fingers, but Orton got out of the grip with a kick to the gut followed by a flurry of punches and uppercuts. Pete fired back with forearms and kicks, but Viper fired back with a standing dropkick, sending Dunne to roll out of the ring. Randy went after Pete, and nailed the Bruiserweight with the belly to back suplex on the ring apron while Alexa clapped for the Viper.

(End of match)

Orton RKO'ed Dunne, but the Bruiserweight got his shoulder at the final second. Alexa was screaming for Randy to finish Dunne. The Viper followed the Goddess' order and went to that place for another RKO. However, the match was interrupted by the same mysterious theme from last week.


The screen was white and it showed a black feather floating until it landed on the mysterious figure's hand. He pointed at the screen and disappeared. Then a sentence faded in.

"Tell me what you cherish most. Give me the pleasure of taking it away"

Then it showed a video mash up of the Bliss Republic's title wins with close up shots of all the championships currently with the Republic with the last shot on the United States Championship. As the screen faded to black, Randy and Alexa were shouting at whoever who was controlling the equipment, but as the Viper turned around, he was flattened by a Bitter End from the Bruiserweight. Pete pinned Orton for the upset victory.

Alexa rushed to Randy's side as the Viper got up. The Republic's co-founders were now confused as ever as the countdown to Backlash begins, and that is when the One-Winged Angel will reveal himself.

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