"Point is, I still love Jisoo after four years and even now." Taehyung looked at dad, then at mom, "So let's just have a nice family dinner, shall we?

"Before that," mom said, "Just what happened between you two? I want to know why Jungkook suddenly left."

"Mom, he already mentioned that he's going to continue his education in Busan because that's where the rest of his family are." I explained.

"But he was your boyfriend."

"We were faking, mom. It was Jennie's pla-"

"Jennie? Yoongi's fiancée?" Mrs. Kim asked, surprised

"You should've brought Jennie along." Jin snickered. I shot Jin a glare, he's clearly not helping here.

"Mom, I told you. Jisoo and I were in a relationship before and we lost touch because-" Taehyung stopped abruptly, probably thinking whether he'd continue or not.

"Because what, Taehyung?" Dad asked

"I lied to him and made him go away." I confessed, looking at my hands on my lap until I saw Taehyung hold my hand with his.

"She overheard Yoongi and I talking about your trip to US, which I didn't plan on coming with until Jisoo made me." Taehyung said.

The elders exchanged looks with each other until Mr. Kim's eyes met mine. "Thank you, Jisoo." Beside him, Mrs. Kim was smiling at me warmly.

I smiled, though confused, and asked, "What for, sir?"

"Taehyung here already told me he doesn't want to come with us the day before our flight yet he showed up the morning of our supposed departure." Mr. Kim said, "I was a bad father to Taehyung back then, maybe that's why I got sick that time. But he forgave me during those 4 years, and we became closer after that. I finally felt how being a father should feel like. I never knew it's because of you, Kim Jisoo. Thank you for making him go to States with us. "

I looked at my parents, who were smiling at me proudly, then at Taehyung, who squeezed my hand while grinning at me, and finally, to his parents."You're welcome, sir, ma'am."

We had a decent conversation during dinner, one that does not talk about my past relationship with Taehyung or my friendship with Jungkook. At the end of our dinner, my family became a lot closer with Taehyung's.

"Your parents fetched you from your apartment awhile ago, right?" Taehyung asked as my family's about to leave

"Yes. Why?"

"I'll drive you home." Taehyung offered.

Jin placed his arm around me, smiling at Taehyung. "I'll drive her home. You've had enough of Jisoo for the week."

I saw Taehyung frown at Jin before waving his goodbye at me. I laughed as I did the same thing to him while Jin pulled me to his car.

"He's too clingy." Jin stated as soon as we both got inside his car. He then turned his head to look at me, "Isn't he too clingy?"

"Is he your boyfriend?" I asked nonchalantly.


"Then you have no say whether Taehyung's being too clingy or not." I deadpanned. "Personally, I don't think he is. He just wanted to drive me home, Jin."

"Did you do it with him yet?" He asked out of the blue, making me punch his arm real hard.

"Ya!", he yelled. "You're lucky I'm not yet driving. And I was just asking!"

"Don't you like Taehyung for me?" I asked him in all seriousness

"I like him. Yoongi's told me about how he tried to distance Taehyung away from you to be with his parents. He's proven himself enough too with his actions." Jin immediately replied, "Besides, I just want to annoy you. I like it when you're annoyed, it makes me happy." I punched his arm again. "But hey, if you and him get into a fight, call me. I'll side with you no matter what. Even when you're the one in the wrong." He laughed, his famous windshield laugh that his fans love, including me.

Jin started driving and I can't help but look at my brother. With his busy acting schedule and me busy with our company, Jin and I couldn't spend time with each other.

"Want to watch movie with me?" I asked him, "You won't have another free day again until next week, right?"

"Yeah." he answered, still looking at the road ahead, "You want me to watch a movie with you in your apartment?"

"Yeah.. If you're not tired, though. You came from a shooting a while ago, right?"

"Alright, Chu. We'll watch a movie, just like the old days.", he chuckled.

"Just like the Jin days" I snickered.

"You're lucky that I love you, lil sis. If not, I would've thrown you out my car by now."

"Awww. I love you too, Jinnie oppa"

love mazeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora