Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 : Dude, I see you everywhere.

Quinn Carter

"I'm pregnant!" Ruby and I let out a little scream from Aishah's news. She and Aiman grin by our excitement.

We currently at Aishah's house, saying she had something to told us. My house and her house is a 54 minutes drive. I came with Ruby since we don't have to go in separated.

"How long?" Ruby rest her head on her left fist that were resting on the table.

"8 weeks" Aiman replied, resting his palm on his wife's stomach.

"Wait, so this is whole time you the one that have pregnant symptoms?" I asked Aiman. Oh man I wish my husband have that too. But that's kinda evil...


"Yes, my doctor told me it was an allergic. But as far as I know, I don't have any allergies" He claimed. Pulling his wife closer to him. "And then I read about men having pregnancy symptoms. And that was when we find out I was pregnant" Aishah grinned looking at her husband with loves.

Ugh, I wish I have one too.

"You heard that baby, you're gonna have a friend" I said to Alec who are sitting on my lap, looking at Aishah with excitement. He turned his head to me "Can I touch it?" He asked shyly. We broke into laughter making him hid his head under my armpit. 

"I don't know, you should asked her" He turned his head to Aishah all red, moving closer to her, He stop when he was just a feet away from her. "Can I touch it?" fudging his feet looking down.

We all let out an 'aw'. "Of course" Aishah let out her arms making a room for Alec. He step closer, slowly resting his palm on her stomach. The moment he touch her, he let out a squeal. He startled us by his loud scream. 


"Hey how about we celebrate?" Ruby wiggling her eyebrows in suggestion. We all agreed to celebrate in nearest cafe since the couple have a doctor appointment.

We arrived at the rather compact cafe since it was around the place Aishah's checkup. I sat next to Ruby while Aiman sat in front of me and Aishah next to him and Alec besides me in his baby sit.  We ordered our food when Alec suddenly shout.

"Uncle Hermes!" I followed his gaze to find a man. Hermes of course, but wasn't a bit far from his house since according to him he lives near my area. Maybe he has another house nearby , he does look like rich people, I guess.

"Hey my dude" He said, doing their 'clap-clap' things I never realized their had. Ruby and the others look at me in confusion. I mean come on, a sexy fine ass dude talking to Alec out of nowhere like they know each other. I would be surprised too.

I'm still am.

"Hey Quinn" I just gave him a small smile and a nod, drinking the rest of my soda. Making a 'slurp' sound. Then I realized the others face. "Oh um, Hermes this is my friend Aishah, her husband Aiman and Ruby. Aishah, Aiman, Ruby, this is my friend Hermes" They said hello to each other.

"Uncle Hermes, sit with us" Ruby chocked on her fish and chips. I handed her a tissues, she grabbed it harshly. Her face's are red. Aishah and I smirk understanding.

"Oh no it's okay, I don't want to interrupting your lunch" He gave a sorry smile to Alec's disappointment look. "No it's okay, we were celebrating my wife's pregnancy. Join us" I look at Aiman with wide eyes.

What the fuck Aiman? 

Aishah and I shift uncomfortably while Ruby still all red, hiding her face by looking down. Aiman still with his innocent look. Alec with his excitement. Hermes nodded, asking a customers next to us does the vacant sits were taken before dragging it to sits on the empty sides of the table which is next to Ruby. Making she got even more redder.

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