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! Disclaimer !

My book my not be the same as other author's book. Don't hesitate to inform me if there any mistake. But I hope you enjoy the book as much I enjoy writing it :)

This story might not make any sense so bear with me.

I am not a doctor nor a nurse. Any medically inaccurate just... ignored it :/


King Hermes lost his child. Doesn't has a chance to know the gender. He promised himself he will find his lost child. No matter what.

Quinn Carter found a child in the woods. She gave up finding his parents. She adopted him, raising him with loves.

But what happened when they bumped into each other, when they found out they're mates. With secret threatening to come out. With enemies on their tail. Can he accept her when he found out who she really is? A woman who are not just raising his lost child but a stronger woman.


I rest my back to a big trees, exhausting. I look around if I managed to loose the creepy old guy asking for sex. Just think about it make me sick. I close my eyes relaxing my back against the tree.

Until I hear a cry. A baby cry.

I open my eyes wild. Curios how baby would be in a woods. The crying got louder and louder, boosting my curiosity. I got up looking around for a sight of a baby. Until my eyes land on a basket. I walked over to it to found a BABY with just blanket!

I pick up the baby looking over in the basket if there anything a paper perhaps. But just to find nothing in it. I look at the baby. A boy exactly. I rocking him slowly while singing a lullaby. Slowly making him falls asleep. 

What am I gonna do with you. Just looking at him make me grew attach to him, like something told me to take care of him as of he was send for me. I slowly put him back in the basket and pick it.

What should I do.......

Brought him home...?

Deciding to brought him to home I walked out of the woods  with only 50$. This is sad. My life is sad. Urghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

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