Chapter 9

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May 29, 1961

Happy Birthday, Jack, You said.

Thank you y/n, Jack said.

I can't believe that. You turn 44 today. Damn you are getting old, you said.

Thanks, y/n. You made me feel a lot better, Jack said.

If you are calling me old. What about you then, Jack said.

I'm only 29, Jack. You are 44 and you are the old one here, you said.

Come on Jack. I have something that you are going to love, Bobby said.

It better not be something stupid Bobby, Jack said.

Here you go. Happy Birthday, Jack, Bobby said with a grin.

Condoms. Really, Robert, Jack said.

So you won't get y/n pregnant again.

You frowned.

A smirk came upon on your face.

An Idea came to mind.

You went inside the house.

You grab a condom that hasn't been open
You put toothpaste inside of it.

You walk back outside. With the toothpaste in the condom.

Here Bobby. Catch, you said as you throw the condom.

Ah ! that is used condom.

Yep, It is.

Who's the hell is this, Bobby said.

Your Brother.

Bobby looks over at Jack. He had look on his face that Jack never seen on his brother.

Eww! Eww! I have my brother sperm on me, Bobby screams.

Your smirk grew bigger.

Fuck You, Kinnear!!

No Thanks, you said.

Jack laugh.

What really was in that, Jack asked?

Toothpaste, You said.

You were about to. You had an empty room that you are going turn into a Nursery for Kathleen.

Don't come in yet. The room isn't ready yet, Jack said.

Oh Ok.

( one hour later )

Please cover your eyes.


Jack uncover your eyes.


You see a beautiful nursery. White walls and white crib with pink around it. The Letter K for Kathleen on the wall.

A chandelier in the room. A toy box filled with toys.

On the other side. Jack had a thing up on the wall. It had like 100-220 bows on it for Kathleen.

I love it, Jack.

Ik that you would.

Someone is excited about their daughter.

Yeah, I am. I hope that she looks like you, Jack said as he puts his hand on your stomach.

No. I want her to look just like you Jack, You said.

Jack smiles.

Time for your baby shower.

Bobby. His wife Ethel. Their Kids. Jack's mother Rose and Father Joe Came.

Jackie drops off Carolina.

Daddy. I miss you, Caroline said.

I had missed you to buttons, Jack said.

You watch Jack with his daughter. You smile.

Daddy. Who is having a baby, Caroline asked?

I am sweetheart, You said.

You watch Carolina runoff.

You are fantastic with her. I hope that you are the same with this one, you said.

Thank you. I will be just the same and I can't wait to meet her, Jack said.

Time to open gifts. Everyone take your seats. Y/n and Jack come up here now, Bobby said.

Everyone watches you two sit down. Little Caroline was confused about why her daddy was up there.

This is from Bobby and I, Ethel said.

You open it. A couple of baby girl clothes.

You pick up an onesie. It's said. My daddy is the president ❤️.

Aw, I love it. Thank you so much, Bobby and Ethel, You said.

Ur welcome y/n.

This is from Joe and I, Rose said.

Jack opens it's .a black car seat that has pink dots on it.

Thank you, Mom and Dad, Jack said.

You open another gift. A pink blanket that says, Kathleen Arabella Kennedy on it. You see that's it's from Jack.

Aw Jack. Thank you so much. I love it, You said.

You're welcome. Ik that you were going to love it, Jack said.

This is from me, Bobby said.

You open it. An onesie that says Daddy's mini-me and Kennedy on the back. The white bow had. Kathleen's name on it.

I love it so much. Thank you, Bobby, You said.

You rubbed your eyes. You let out a yawn.

You tired, Jack asked?

Yeah, I'm exhausted. I'm ready for this pregnancy to be over, you said.

Same. I'm so ready to meet her. I want her here already, Jack said.

Couple more months. Baby Kennedy will be here and in our arms, You said.

Yeah. I can't wait, Jack said .

Kathleen Arabella Kennedy Where stories live. Discover now