Chapter 6: The Bug Badge Awaits!

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"Froakie! Use cut!" The shiny frog Pokémon unsheathed a blade from its waist and thrusted toward Clements Pokémon.
"Bunnelby use mud shot!" Clement commanded with grace and confidence. He knows a thing or two. Clement and I are having a quick battle before we make our way into Santelune city to get my first gym badge. I'm confident in Eevee and Froakie, but it wouldn't hurt to review moves and see what flows best.
Froakie was hit by a ball of mud from Bunnelbys attack, but kept its composure on the ground to land the cut attack perfectly.  "Now use pound!"
"Grab him with your ears and use double slap!" Bunnelby complied and stopped Froakie in his tracks. He then tossed Froakie in the air and prepared a double slap. But all of a sudden, I saw a flash of light in my eyes, seeing through Froakie? "Look out!" I shouted. And then there were a bunch of Froakies floating around in the air! Froakie learned double team! "Now charge in and use cut!"
"Quick use dig!" Bunnelby reacted quick enough were when all the Froakie made it to the spot, he was gone. "That was an impressive move to use double team like that."
"Uhh yeah. Froakie run around make it harder for Bunnelby to find you!" Froakie started jumping in different patterns to try and throw him off.
Then Bunnelby came out of the dirt. "Double slap!"
Froakie was hit four times by bunnelbys strong ears. Getting knocked on his back and slow to get back up. "Now mud shot!"
Froakie was laying on his back. I felt a certain presence course through my veins as I gave my next command. "Froakie use Water pulse!" The water pulse grew big in his hands and stopped the mud balls, and flew through and hit Bunnelby head on. Knocking him unable to battle. "Great job Froakie! You did awesome!" And he turned around and we exchanged high fives. "Thanks Clement, this is really gonna help for my battle today. I owe you one."
"That's really no problem at all. It's almost 9 am, where is Serena?" Clement asked. And right on queue, Serena came out of her tent in her bow and pajamas. Looking fully rested and ready for the day. Bonnie was watching over our breakfast with Eevee when Clement started cooking before our battle.
"Good morning Serena! How did you sleep?" I asked
"I slept like a log. Much more comfortable then I thought it was gonna be. Fennekin? Let's get some fresh air!" And she released the fire fox Pokémon. Who seemed very delighted and well rested on a beautiful morning.
We were all walking the final path to Santelune city. We could see the fountain in the middle of the square in the distance. "Alright. Just gotta make a quick stop to the Pokémon center and then it's time for my gym battle! You ready for this Eevee? I'm gonna start with you and have Froakie in reserve. Sound good?" Eevee jumped off my shoulder and did a big flip in the air in confirmation.
"Mason, do you have any information about the Gym Leader? I bet she's pretty strong."
"Well I didn't, but now I know it's a woman. So that's a first step. Thanks for that Clement." I giggled at my own joke and Serena gave a chuckle. "But really I just looked for the location of gyms and that's all. I want to just jump in and have all these experiences the first time and see how it plays out from there. I believe the gym is on the north side of the city."
We made it to Santelune City just before noon. We all healed up our teams and made our way to the gym.

Serenea's POV
It's so funny seeing Mason so riled up like this. It just seems like he has no other cares in the world besides his gym battle. For us starting our journey together around the same time, he sure is ahead of me. I don't know too much about Pokémon batteling besides type matchups. Strategies are beyond my expertise, I based a lot of who I wanted to win battles by cuteness of Pokémon. Fenniken and I seem to be getting along just great though. I love brushing its fur when we wake up and even these little walks we have really bring peace in our friendship. I wonder if Mason and Eevee are the same way. I've never seen Eevee in its pokeball yet.
We arrived at the gym and stepped inside. Mason was the last one in. His eyes were closed and he looked calm and at peace.

Mason's POV
It's time. I've waited so long for this moment here. My adrenaline is pumping and Eevee feels it too. I could feel Froakie's pokeball move around in my belt. He seems ready to roll. Then, a woman probably around 23 years old with blonde hair came walking out of a photo studio. "Welcome to the Santelune Gym. Are you challenging the gym today?"
"Yes that would be me! I'm Mason from the Hoenn region and I'm here to get my first badge!"
"My you're confident for a beginner. I am Viola. Let me show you to the battlefield." And she led us down a hallway with tons of cool pictures of big type Pokémon.
"Wow these pictures are so pretty? Did you take these Viola?" Bonnie asked curiously.
"Yes I did. When I'm not here taking on challengers, I'm out in forests taking lovely shots of cool and beautiful bug type Pokémon."
We made it to a huge green house looking battlefield and we take our places across each other. A gardener came from the opposite hallway and stood between us and explained the rules. "The battle being placed between Viola the gym leader and Mason the challenger will begin shortly. Each trainer can use two Pokémon each. No items can be used in battle. And only the challenger can make substitutions. Are these rules clear?"
"Yes!" We said in unison.
"Alright battle start!"
"Now come at me! My lens is always focused on victory and I won't let anything ruin this shot! Go Surskit!" And Viola released a blue spider Pokémon and glided around in its legs. It's a water, bug type.
"Ready Eevee? You're up!" Eevee sprinted into the battlefield more determined then ever. It's tail was wagging and was in an attack pose. "Sand attack whip it up!" Eevee slapped its tail at the ground and started running, whipping sand around at Surskit.
"Wash the sand away with bubble beam!" Surskit shot bubbles around at the battlefield trying to calm the sand.
"Now use quick attack!" While Surskit was using bubble beam, Eevee came from behind and hit Surskit head on knocking it back. "Quick attack again!"
"Slow it down using sticky web!" Surskit didn't waste a second by shooting white globs of web at Eevee knocking him off balance and not allowing him to get close to Surskit. "Hit him with Signal beam!" And a beam flew at Eevee and hit him in the side knocking him towards me.
"Eevee, are you okay?!" Eevee wasn't looking too hot, but got up and got back in a readied position. "Now sand attack and quick attack!"
"Not so fast. Ice beam on the ground!" Eevee barely managed to knock up a little bit of sand before Surskit fired an ice beam directly at the ground freezing the once wet field when he used Bubble beam before. Eevee was in mid quick attack when it turned to ice and started to slip. Admittedly, I started to panic. "Eevee come back!" I had to switch out to give myself some time to think. But now I have to send out Froakie. "Froakie! Watch your step!" And I released him out onto the ice battlefield.
"How is Froakie supposed to move on that battlefield? That ice looks awful slippery." Serena said on the sideline.
"Mobility has to be tough. Along with that, no one has a real advantage with both being water types. I wonder how this will go." Clement contributed to the statement.
"I hope Eevee and Froakie will be okay." Bonnie sounded worried.
I started to sweat. Froakie was observing the battlefield trying to gain some sort of step on Surskit, who was gliding even faster on the ice now. "Froakie were gonna be fine. Stay where your at and use water pulse!" Froakie stayed in place and let a ball of water form in his hands and tried to hit Surskit, but to no avail. Surskit was too fast of a moving target to hit standing still. And then it seemed me and Froakie had the same idea at the same time. "Shoot some frubbles at it!" Froakie used the frubbles around his neck to try and slow down Surskit, but again it kept dodging. But Froakie didn't let up. He kept them coming and finally got one to hit it's mark. "Now use them to get close and use cut!" Froakie swiftly jumped from frubble spot to spot, unsheathed a blade and struck the dazzled Surskit onto its side.
"Surskit is unable to battle. Froakie is the winner!"
"Froakie! That was amazing! Great job!" And Froakie came back to me and gave me a high five. And quickly celebrated with Eevee and got back in a battle stance.
"I have to say, that was very impressive. It's been some time since I've seen a strategy like that. But now it's time to get serious. Go Vivillon!" Viola released a large butterfly looking Pokémon came onto the battlefield. It looked like butterfree, but with much more colorful wings.
"Froakie, let's keep it going. Use water pulse!" Froakie jumped up into the air and hurled a water pulse at Vivillon and hit that target. Vivillon was knocked back but looked almost unphased.
"Use gust!" Vivillons wings stirred up a lot of wind while Froakie was stuck in the air,
And pushed Froakie into some stray sticky web from Surskits attack. "Froakie no! You have to get out of there!"
"A picture perfect shot. Use Solar beam!" And Vivillon started to absorb sunlight. This is not good. A strong grass type move like that would not be good for Froakie. Okay I have to focus. It's not going to be long before The sunlights released. "Okay use double team! Try and confuse it!" Froakie started to multiply, but the duplicates we also stuck to sticky web spots or frubbles.
"Vivillon hit as many as you can!" And it aimed the beam in many locations and started to wipe out the Froakies. It hit one that happen to be the real one, but didn't make full contact. Only wounding Froakie a little bit. "Froakie use water pulse!" And again Froakie hurled a water pulse and it hit Vivillon again, looking to do way more damage then last time. "Use cut!" As Vivillon was falling down, Froakie charged at it with its blade again.
"Not so fast. Use Psychic!" Froakie was stopped mid air, and hurled toward the ground. It was in tough shape. But still looked like it wanted to battle.
"Froakie, return." I withdrew Froakie back to its pokeball. "Don't worry you did awesome. Let's let Eevee take care of the rest. You up for it?" Eevee was itching to come back in since it was last in and slid back out onto the battlefield on top of a frubble spot. The battle was getting tense. You could feel the tension for miles.
"Man I'm not even battling and I'm so nervous for Mason. He's come so far already." Serena trembled.
"Vivillon use gust!" It hurled some wind at Eevee. He was gliding across the ice fast and hit a patch, and fell on its side. That gust is trouble. "Now use sleep powder!" And a dust of blue powder was sprinkled in the gust, heading toward Eevee. I have to think. Then I had a quick flashback. When I first met Froakie, it used its frubbles as a sort of mask. It's worth a shot. "Eevee! Get up and dig your face in frubbles. Trust me!" Eevee got up and trusted me. And dove face first. When he picked his face up, he had a sort of face mask around his mouth and nose. The sleep powder had no effect.
"Well that's some sharp thinking. But this needs to end. Use solar beam!" Vivillon began absorbing sunlight again.
"Yup it's time to end this. Eevee knock it down by using sand attack with the frubbles!" Eevee slid at a pile of frubbles on the ice and whipped them with his tail. When he did, small stars appeared around his tail and were hurled with the frubbles at Vivillon.
"Wow! Eevee just learned swift! Just like that! That's incredible!" Clement was jumping out of his seat while Serena and Bonnie were celebrating together.
Vivillon was struck by swift and the frubbles and began to fall while absorbing sunlight. "Quick release!" Viola commanded and Vivillon fired wildly around the area, because the frubbles were covering its eyes.
"One more time! Use swift!" And Eevee got fancy and did a quick flip in the air and aimed another swift attack at the falling bug type. And it hit its mark. Fully knocking it out.
"Vivillon is unable to battle! Eevee is the winner! That means Mason the challenger wins the match!"
"All right we did it! We won our first gym battle! Let's go!" And Froakie came out of his pokeball and began celebrating with Eevee and I on our side of the battlefield. I could hear the gang on the side line cheering for me.
Viola approached me and my team. "I'm very impressed Mason. I've taken part in many battles with beginners and pros and I've never seen a strategy like that to my ice battlefield. You're a truly skilled trainer and it is my honor to give you this badge. May your bond with your Pokémon become stronger and stronger from here. Congratulations!"
She handed me a small badge that looked like a green lady bug. It flashed in the sunlight and I can not stop smiling.
Clement knocked me out of my trance. "Mason! I knew you were good when you beat me, but that was an amazing battle! Stunning even!"
"Thanks Clement. Thank you so much for the battle Viola!"
"Absolutely. I hope to run into you again soon!" Viola turned around and made her way back to the studio while I caught back up with the gang and we made our way outside. We get out the door of the gym and a flash of light came from my backpack.

Yeahhhhhh long chapter baby. Got it
The zone a bit and wrote this off my head from what I remember from the anime. If you can't tell that's the route I'm taking with the story. But I'm using my play through of Y for my team. Who's gonna hatch from the egg? No way you could guess haha. Thanks for reading y'all are great. Stay healthy.

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