Chapter 5: Shocking Discoveries at the Prism Tower!

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I couldn't wait any longer. I saw many food signs and coffee shops that I wanted to visit, but the thought of a gym battle rattled me out of it and kept my mind right. Eevee was off my shoulder now and was running much faster than I was. And we reached the tower in no time. "Wow! This is incredible! I know Mauville city has a replica in their square, but the real thing is truly magnificent. What do you say Serena? Serena?" Well, unfortunately I was so caught up in wanting to battle I left Serena behind without knowing.
She ended up making her way to the middle, gasping for air, "Why does it have to be a race? The gym isn't going anywhere you know."
"I'm sorry about that. I'm too excited to actually start my journey. My battle with Col was just a warm up. I'm ready for the real deal!" We walked into the gym. A bunch of enclosures and antennas were humming in the hallway.
"Welcome to the Lumiose Gym. How many badges have you earned?" A robotic voice came over speakerphone.
I laughed the question off. "Uhhhh none? I just got here today and I-"
"Hey! Hold on we just WOAAAHHHHHHHH!" And we were sucked out of the room by a large vacuum and quickly got ejected high out of the building. Serena was screaming and holding onto me. Eevee got sucked out quicker than I did went higher. All of a sudden the egg slipped out of my bag! "Eevee! The egg! NO!"
"CLEMONTIC GEAR ON!!" The blonde haired guy shouted from across the park. "I'll grab Eevee!" A smaller blonde haired girl shouted alongside the guy, trailing down Eevee. Serena and I landed on a soft cushion on the ground. The girl grabbed Eevee out of the air and ended up on the cushion as well. "Are you guys okay!?"
"The egg! Where is the egg?!" I looked around frantically around the cushion where we landed. I couldn't have lost that egg. May was a good friend of mine. What would I say to her if it broke!? All of a sudden, a flash of light came from a concave in the backpack cushion. "Oh my. What a relief. I thought it was gone for good. I wonder why it's flashing like this?"
The man in the blue jumpsuit jumped in. "I think that means it's close to hatching. I'm just glad to see that it's alright. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Clement, and this is my little sister Bonnie." Bonnie was a little busy cuddling and playing with Eevee, which he really liked. He was usually pretty playful. "Anyway, kinda a tough situation getting thrown out of the gym like that." He looked down in disappointment.
"Yeah that was a wild ride to say the least. I'm Mason. I'm from the Hoenn region and I just started my journey. And that's my pal Eevee."
"I'm Serena. I'm from Vannivile town. I also just started today."
Bonnie came in with Eevee and he hopped onto my shoulder. "Well that's odd. My b- Ii mean, the Lumiose Gym leader is very strong. It would be tough for beginners to challenge him."
I adjusted my hat in disappointment. "Man I really wanted to challenge a gym right away. I guess I'm going to have to go to Santelune City like Col said. There's no way I make it there today. I might need to camp out half way there."
"Well, if we leave soon enough, there's a cool canyon along the way that might have some cool Pokémon!" Bonnie jumped in front of Serena and I.
"We? You guys wanna tag along with me? That would be awesome! What about you Serena? Where are you going to go?"

                                Serena's POV
Well, it's not really something I've started to think about yet. I just started my journey. I have no idea what to do yet! I really just left because my moms rigorous battle reviews and training that she had was way too much for me to stick around for any longer. She was a great battler like my dad. But I don't know if thats the path I want to take yet.
"Hello? Earth to Serena? You there?" Mas said with a playful grin waving a hand by my face.
He's really funny and kinda cute. "Oh I'm sorry, I'm just thinking. I'm not sure what to do yet. But if you'll have me, I'd also like to tag along." Please say yes.
"The more the better! This is gonna be a lot of fun! I don't know if you've gone camping before, but I've done it lots of times it's lots of fun!" His funny smile always gets to me. So all four of us went along to the route to Santelune City.

Ayyyoooo getting into the shipping part. Nothing too insane is gonna happen this story isn't like that haha. Also for now on unless stated, everything will be in Mason's POV. Pretty much just Serena but there might be other characters coming along and stuff. Story's getting there folks. Thanks for reading.

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