Chapter 10: A Long Road Ahead!

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As we were walking to Connecting cave to get to Cyallage City, we encountered a trainer who was looking for a battle.
"I'm on an unbelievable winning streak. There is nothing that's gonna stand in our way!" The energetic boy blurted out.
"We'll just see about that. Ready Eevee?" Eevee nodded his head with a determined grin and leaped in front of me, ready to battle.
"Easy win, go Cyndaquil!" He threw his pokeball to release the fire type. It didn't seem to be too thrilled to battle. Almost frightened to line up.


"Alright Eevee, start off with quick attack!" Eevee quickly obeyed the command and struck Cyndaquil with a fierce blow.
"Get up! Use ember!" Cyndaquil flinched at his trainers command, but let out a furious ember that you could feel from our positions.
"Spin and use sand attack Eevee!" Eevee swirled up a dust cloud so fast and so thick, it dissipated the ember coming at it. It also made an effect on Cyndaquil.
"Don't be lazy! Use tackle!" Cyndaquil flinched again, and made a dart right at Eevee. Got it.
"Eevee, quick use swift!" And the speedy stars made its connection with Cyndaquil, knocking it out of battle.
"Cyndaquil is unable to battle. Eevee is the winner!" Grant exclaimed, acting as our referee.
"Great job Mas! Eevee!" Serena shouted from the sidelines.
The trainer was at a loss. He couldn't even look up. I went to approach him and shake his hand. But he quickly returned Cyndaquil to his pokeball and ran off to the woods.
"Well, he's got a lot of work to do yet. Starting with not getting ahead of himself." Something seemed off about that trainer. And the way he treated Cyndaquil, didn't sit right with me at all.

"Well we made it to the shortcut!" Grant said as we face an enormous mountain.
"Ummm where's the cave to go through?" Serena asked as she knocked on the rock.
"There is no cave! We take this way to AVOID the cave silly! We climb this here mountain and we'll be in Cyllage City in no time!"
Serena and My mouth dropped hearing this. This mountain has to be over 100 feet tall! We looked at each other with the same look.
"Well Grant, I think I'm gonna take the cave. After thinking about our battle coming up, I wanna train some more and come up with a strategy to beat you. Are you gonna go with him Serena?" I asked playfully.
"Well it would be no fun just waiting for you to get there. So I'll stick with Mason. Thank you for the offer, Grant!" Serena replied.
"Very well. I'll see you guys at the Gym. Make sure to bring your A-Game." He winked as he starting climbing the wall with grace and speed. And before we knew it he was almost up there.
"Mason, is something the matter, since your battle you haven't looked the same?" Serena was reading me like a book. That trainers face before he took off had a bad omen. Almost like anger and frustration. "Serena, I think we need to go after that trainer I battled earlier. There's something off about him."
Serena could tell it was bothering me so we took off in the same direction as the trainer. He seemed to rush very quickly into the Forrest. I'm not sure what's over there. We dash about a quarter mile into the woods before we see a scrapped up tree, and the Cyndaquil from earlier, next to a shattered pokeball. Tied to it, and looking seriously injured. "Cyndaquil!" Serena and I shouted in unison. We sprinted over to the injured pokemon and quickly untied it. Serena took out her first aid kit and gently wrapped Cyndaquils leg. It was severely bruised, along with a few spots on its back and face. I start looking around for that trainer.
"WHERE ARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU LEAVE CYNDAQUIL LIKE THIS! SHOW YOURSELF!" I wasn't sure if he was around, but I didn't care. I was so angry at the thought of abandonment I was about to explode.
Serena stopped me before I got to carried away. "Please keep your voice down. I know your angry but he looks in really bad shape! We have to care for it right away!"
I clenched my fist as hard as I could. "Where's the nearest Pokémon center..."
Serena opened her map to quickly find the nearest Pokémon Centre. "Ambrette town is a few miles east of here. Let's head there right away." We nodded and made our way to the Pokemon Centre as fast as we could.

Pokémon X and Y! My journey!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن