Chapter Two

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Merry Christmas Kiwis :) If it's not Christmas where you live then Merry late/early Christmas ;) x

Dedication:  lukehemmoisbaelol69 because your username ;) and you should go follow her even though she doesn't write anything cause she's awesome and also my bae <3

Also, oh my god, Fall Out Boy are bae and Patrick Stump can have my babies :3 Just saying (Haha, see what I did there? :P).

And one more thing, Calum is a complete dickstool* in the first part.



"I never hurt you Calum. I was a good boyfriend too you," Ashton sobbed, pressing the gun, roughly, against my forehead "I treated you like a king! I even let you take my virginity. You know why? Because I thought you deserved it, you were my world Calum. My everything."

I shut my eyes tight, trying not to let my tears come free. Ashton didn't deserve the satisfaction.

"I should fucking kill you right now. I could too. I could easily pull the trigger and end your miserable life right now," Ashton moved closer to my ear, whispering "Then again, that would be an advantage to you, wouldn't it? Don't even deny it Calum, I know that you've already tried."

I felt anger bubbling up inside of me, he knew. He knew the one thing that no one else, not even Luke or Michael, knew.

"D-Don't you dare," I growled "If you repeat that, I'll-"

"You'll what? Punch me? Beat me up? You can't break me more than you already have Cal."

The anger turned into guilt and my face softened.

"A-Ashton..I'm sorry okay? I'm really sorry. Please, just kill me and let everyone else go. No one else deserves it but me."

"Oh, now you're sorry? Well, it's a little too late for that isn't it? And let's be honest here Calum, every asshole in this room deserves it. All of you bastards did this to me." Ashton screamed, aiming the gun at everyone.

And that's when I ran, the sound of bullets and screaming of my friends following not far behind..


I jumped out of my seat, screaming at the top of my lungs, until a hand slapped over my mouth and I was slapped across the face.

"Shut the fuck up." Ashton snarled into my ear before removing his hand.

I looked around to see that I was in a car, Ashton's car obviously. He was in the driver's seat, next to me, and his nails were pretty much digging into the steering wheel as he drove angrily.

"S-Sorry." I mumbled,

"S-Sorry," Ashton mimicked "Stop being such a little bitch."

"There's no need to be an asshole Ashton," I retorted "Since when were you so bitchy anyway?"

"You're acting so casual about this, y'know? Did you forget that I shot the majority of your friends and now I'm taking you hostage? Did that ever cross your pathetic little brain before you decided to question my attitude towards you?" Ashton raised an eyebrow "Wow, I knew you were dumb but I didn't realize you were this dumb."

"You're doing a pretty shit job of keeping me hostage when my hands aren't even ti-" I stopped when I tried to move my hands, not being able to since they were tied up. Along with my feet.

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