Maybe there's still hope.

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What a shadowed world Y/N lives in. A year it's truly been since Y/N last set eyes upon Will and yet so much has changed.  While they have been able to get on with a traumatic experience in mind and a now almost a full life, Y/N still has to hide, still has to keep it low just in case. That means no school and a limited friend group, how on earth will I lead a proper life as a working individual Y/N sometimes asks themselves. Some nights Y/N still dreams of Will, still dreams of seeing his face again. But it never comes true, when they wake up Will isn't there. And they feel so cold and hopeless.

It's not always this sad. It really isn't, there are days where Y/N feels so happy and so excited just to be here, hanging around with Mike, El, Lucas, Max and Dustin. But as the group can be happy at times, they still dread the anniversary of Will Byers absence coming up. His mother and his brother, they haven't been the same, not since that day. But seeming Y/N had no where else to go and is the reason Will is gone, out of love for Y/N, the Byers opened their home and hearts to them, Y/N took Wills room with much sadness. Wearing Wills clothes day in and day out, even though Joyce has offered to get new clothes for Y/N they refuse it. It still smells like him no matter how long it's been and that's why Y/N won't change. Not a day goes by that Y/N doesn't miss Will, his drawings, his face and voice. But hey, maybe there's still hope.

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