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Everyone woke up, excited to see the new school they would be attending. They all got dressed and left the houses, walking with the volleyball boy they were assigned to. Due to distances, they all arrived at separate times.

"Hey Kei, do you think you can show me-" Lexi stopped talking and watched as he put his headphones on and walked into the school, leaving her. "-around...." She stared into space. Why did I expect him to not be a jackass?

There was a tap on her shoulder and she turned around, seeing a freckled boy, smiling down at her. To his side was Jungkook. "You're Lexi, right? Jungkook tried describing you guys as best as he could, I'm sorry if I'm wrong."

"No, you've got the right one." Lexi laughed and bowed. "I'm Alexia Thomas, though everyone calls me Lexi, so that's what you can address me by."

The freckled boy nodded and bowed back. "I'm Tadashi Yamaguchi, it is very nice to meet you. I can show you around if you would like, since Tsukki kind of just walked off."

"Yes please," She smiled. "Can we wait for my friends though?"

"Oh, yeah, of course." Yamaguchi nodded, earning a 'thank you' from the female.

About 5 minutes later everyone started arriving, an excited Angelika running up.

"I haven't seen you guys in forever!" She exclaimed.

"It hasn't even been a day." Lexi laughed.

"Yeah, forever." She gave a pouty look, confusing everyone.

"Where is Tsukishima?" The boy next to Angelika asked, looking at the girl that the said male was housing.

"He walked off." She rolled her eyes.

"Well, anyways, I'm Daichi Sawamura, I'm the captain of the volleyball club." He bowed, and everyone who hasn't met him bowed back, introducing themselves.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" The buzzcut dude, who they learned was named Tanaka, yelled in disbelief. "HOW DID TSUKISHIMA AND DAICHI END UP WITH THE CUTE GIRLS?"

"You need glasses." Lexi laughed, while Angelika stuttered out a 'thank you', still unsure of how to exactly respond.

The school bell rang, catching everyone off guard. The Karasuno boys looked at the others's schedules, and divided them up into the classes they were assigned it.

"You're with Kageyama and I, Angelika and Jungkook." Hinata smiled, once again making Angelika freak out on the inside due to the adorable smile that was shown.

"You'll be with me, Jimin and Lexi." Yamaguchi informed the two, earning nods of understanding.

Everyone dispersed towards class, talking about random things before the bell rang.

"Thank you for showing us the way, Hinata and Kageyama." Angelika thanked the duo, earning an 'of course' and a 'sure' as they walked in the class, the teacher seating angelika and jungkook near the duo so they would have people they know.

"Thanks, Yamaguchi." Lexi looked at the taller boy, who jumped a bit, since it had been silent for a while.

"Yeah, it's no problem!" He smiled at her, getting one back.

"Is the teacher nice?" Jimin asked, slightly concerned.

"Oh, yeah, she's really nice." Yamaguchi replied. "Just don't misbehave and you'll be fine." Jimin nodded at his words.

The trio walked into the classroom, Yamauchi walking to his seat, the other two watching as he went and sat next to a blonde male, who Lexi quickly identified. "Oh fu-"

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