two- you tortured little girl

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Luke sat with Lux for what seemed like hours. He had missed his afternoon classes- though he was content since he was with Lux.

"Wait, so what is this show called again?"

"Criminal Minds." Lux deadpanned.

Luke could tell that she was irritated by the constant questions, but he didn't care. The sound of her voice was like music to his ears, as cliché as it sounded, even her monotone whispers were better than anything musical masterminds like Nirvana or The Strokes provided him.

"This man is brilliant." Lux cooed, watching a serial killer escape from prison. "I mean, he bites his own wrist open, takes the blood in his mouth so they think he's coughing up blood, and escapes prison."

"Yeah, but he killed a ton of people and stabbed himself so the police wouldn't think it was him."

"Exactly, he's brilliant."

Luke decided to end the conversation. It didn't stop him from liking her, but it made him question what he thought he knew about Lux Morrison.

"Lux, are you home?" A gruff voice asked. Luke could hear something being kicked or pushed over and the sound of breaking glass.

"Fuck, Luke." Lux whispered. She pushed him towards the closet and locked him in.

It was dark, and as tempted as he was to turn the light on, he didn't. He could hear some sort of shouting, but none of it made actual sense. It was an older man, the one who had entered before. Maybe her father, an uncle.

Eventually the yelling stopped, but Lux never came upstairs. Luke felt like he was waiting for years.

He heard stomping up the stairs- Lux. As she entered her room again she let out an angered scream. Luke took it as a sign to open the door and come out of the closet.

"Are you okay?" He asked, rubbing her arm slowly in attempt to calm the wired girl down.

"My brother came home. He's just- we don't get along very well."

Luke opened his arms slightly only to have Lux dive into them. They stood there for a while, the two of them.

Luke nearly fell back in shock when he felt a pair of cool lips meet his neck.

"L-lux, what are you doing." He asked, grabbing her at the waist.

She failed to respond, but continued marking his neck. Luke shivered as he felt her blow on the now purple hickey and move on to another clear spot.

"Baby, please." He tried, just wanting to get her attention. He had wanted this for so long, but not this way. She was angry. Upset. She didn't really want this.

"Luke, please. Just help me feel something. Anything."

"Lux, I'm not sure if this is a go-"

"Luke, sex now." She near growled, pushing the boy on to her bed.

and that was how Luke had lost his virginity to the only girl that ever caught his eye.

Lux was possessive- to say the least. She marked her territory and made sure everyone saw. This was difficult for Luke to say the least.

"Luke, come to the skatepark with Cal and I tonight." Ashton demanded as Lux pulled Luke down the hallway.

Luke shook his head, telling Ashton no and nodded towards Lux, who, at this point, had stopped and leaned on Luke's arm.

"You're really blowing your two best friends off to hang out with this psycho?" Ashton asked, pushing Lux's shoulder.

Rage filled Luke's eyes and he let go of Lux's hand in time to slam Ashton against a locker. "Don't fucking touch my girlfriend asshole." He said through gritted teeth.

Ashton spit in Luke's face, making him release him from his hold, but getting him to stomp on his foot.

"You dick!" Ashton almost screamed while grabbing his foot.

Luke grabbed Lux's hand stormed towards her black SUV.

"Is your brother home?" He asked while hopping into the passenger's seat.

A small smirk appeared on her face as she started the engine and put on her black aviators.

"He won't be home for a while. In fact, I'm not sure when he'll be back."

A blonde haired agent placed a file down on a conference table. Her crisp suit said a lot about her, mostly that she was an organized and professional women, but also that she took charge. She was the leader, Special Agent Olivia Deacon.

"Alright team, we're headed to Northport, Long Island, New York were a string of bizarre murders and arsons have occurred. We believe they're all related."

A light haired man with olive toned skin flipped through the files he received and slightly raised his hand. His ID read "Agent Jaime Meale"

"So, a fire happens and a murder happens two days after."

"For the past four weeks." Olivia added. "We believe our perp is young, possibly a woman. She is young, but incredibly intelligent. While out hopes are high, we fear that she may be extremely hard to catch."

"She is getting a bit sloppy, but not unorganized. She may be enlisting in a partner soon." Jaime added, reading from his file.

Two women, sat side by side, nod simultaneously. They are identical, both with long red hair pulled into messy ponytails.

Holly and Delilah Rose. Brainiac twins.

"If everything goes according to schedule, another fire will happen tonight." Holly added.

"And this one will be worse." Delilah chimed in. "Because this time she has a partner.

Criminal Minds man, Criminal Minds

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