Reunion Part 2

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    Ron stormed up to Hermione and Blaise dancing. "Why are you with him, you were supposed to be with me and Harry not marry slimy Slytherin, death eater scum like Zabini!!" Ron bellowed drawing the attention of the whole great hall. Before anybody could do anything there was a resounding smack echoing through the great hall. Ginny  had slapped her brother straight across the face.

"Don't you dare talk to or about them like that Ronald Weasley or I will curse you into next year" Ginny spat in Ron's face. "Its ok Ginny i can take it from here" Hermione said as she stepped closer to ron pushing ginny back a little. "For your information Ronald, Blaise is my brother you insufferable prat and he and my husband were cleared of any charges years ago. I don't suggest you try that again."

At that moment it all clicked in Ron's head, why Hermione was hiding, who she married and why she was so close with him. He saw Draco walking towards them and he blacked out. Everything happened at lightning speed. In the next blink of an eye Ron had his wand pointed at Hermione's neck and 4 wands at back of his head. "Don't do it Ron" Harry said his voice dangerously low. In the next moment he was gone and Hermione and Ginny could live there lives no longer in hiding and with the people they loved.


Hogwarts Reunion (Dramione,Blinny)Where stories live. Discover now